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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

- come on mess me up -

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The air grew colder and colder with each step, Reichenbach's hot breath frosting in front of his black lips, slipping over his flared nostrils and away into nothing. It was hard to think that this Shaman could be anything but dangerous, if this was the kind of place he liked to create out of nothing - if this was the kind of place he'd like to be at the centre of. The moment the thought left his head, so appeared the wraith-like shaman. The corner he had turned was a sharp one, so Reich jumped at the sight of the skeletally thin bodied creature, eyeing him with a wary gaze, though not dismissing him as ill-intentioned despite his unsavoury appearance. The Shaman's voice was strange, an almost enticing, lilting sound that didn't match his frightful appearance. 

Sovereign, he sneered, and Reichenbach's expressive brows lifted involuntarily. News travelled fast in Novus - but the newly crowned ruler of Denocte doubted the Shaman had heard the news through the grapevine. He looked like he'd be more at home in a cave with the rats than socialising with anyone - perhaps the relic had made him all knowing. He uttered a curse as the Shaman turned and fled through the dark maze, leaving him to scurry after the thin man, ears flicking ever so nervously at the creatures that he could hear but not see. The further they went, the larger the sounds became, the closer they got. Every so often Reichenbach would see the end of a scaled tail, or hear the flurry of feathers, once he even thought he heard the sound of claws on stone. 

Still he followed, casting his argent gaze forward and turning his ears back so as not to hear the treacherous sounds around him. He would follow the Shaman until he could follow no longer - whenever that might be.


Messages In This Thread
come on mess me up - - by Reichenbach - 07-04-2017, 10:20 PM
RE: come on mess me up - - by Random Events - 07-09-2017, 02:16 PM
RE: come on mess me up - - by Reichenbach - 07-10-2017, 08:50 PM
RE: come on mess me up - - by Random Events - 07-20-2017, 02:41 PM
RE: come on mess me up - - by Reichenbach - 07-20-2017, 10:53 PM
RE: come on mess me up - - by Random Events - 08-03-2017, 07:18 PM
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