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Private  - ☆ the eye of the storm

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Played by Offline Kansassy [PM] Posts: 15 — Threads: 3
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Inactive Character

Even as the Earth around them changed and Mother Nature seemed to spark within the mare's eyes, he cared not. Racthan was easily three of her molded into one and he was more than capable of handling her magick. But that was a story for another time, all that mattered was her acquiescence and the fluttering sense of relief that blossomed in his chest. The Runamere exhaled a deep, pregnant sigh, completely ignoring her veiled threats. "Thank you. He whispered, blue eyes gazing down at the sands as they changed haphazardly to mirror Isra's emotions. What a volatile thing. With training she might have been useful. He dared not look at the filly, at the product of his Mistresses unholy union, and the one creature in the World he would gladly give his life for. For if he did he knew that he would not be able to leave. He would turn back and try to stay instead of lifting his wings, and shifting his hooves in preparation for take-off. The Dragon's presence was noted and yet again Racthan was forced to feel surprise. This land had Dragon's as well? What a bizarre turn of events indeed.

He did not bother to bid farewell's nor attempt further communication. His duty was complete, the soft smile upon her lips the confirmation he needed. The Runamere closed his eyes and leaped for the sky, wings thrusting gracefully in a manner utterly birdlike. There was no pomp and circumstance, he turned back toward the Storm, hoping for the first time since arriving that it would place him where he needed to go.

She was only vaguely aware that the protective barrier between she and the rest of the world was gone. Eyes glazed over with shock, body trembling, mind dangerously blank. Perhaps a coping mechanism? Or the beginning spiral into true insanity? Her body seemed to thrum in time with her heartbeat, a hard, angry throbbing from deep within her chest. She wanted to go home. 

ooc; @Isra I'm so sorry this is horrible, my muse is low and I wanted Racthan out of there... sorry

Messages In This Thread
☆ the eye of the storm - by Illu - 04-07-2019, 01:01 PM
RE: ☆ the eye of the storm - by Isra - 04-08-2019, 10:59 PM
RE: ☆ the eye of the storm - by Illu - 04-11-2019, 10:45 PM
RE: ☆ the eye of the storm - by Isra - 04-13-2019, 12:38 PM
RE: ☆ the eye of the storm - by Illu - 04-17-2019, 10:18 PM
RE: ☆ the eye of the storm - by Isra - 04-21-2019, 06:48 PM
RE: ☆ the eye of the storm - by Illu - 04-27-2019, 09:48 PM
RE: ☆ the eye of the storm - by Isra - 05-02-2019, 10:53 PM
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