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Worship  - Where is the Faith in the World

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Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 143 — Threads: 21
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Dusk Court Blacksmith
Male [He/Him/His]  |  Immortal [Year 498 Summer]  |  21 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 49  |    Active Magic: Solar Manipulation  |    Bonded: Telum (Dragon)

sol bestiam

Sol Bestiam snorted as he soared through the quickly thinning air, enjoying the feeling of the wind under his four massive wings. His golden eyes searched for life, besides the birds that seemed to be randomly appearing below him. Turning toward the peak that had caught his attention randomly through the time that he had been in the realm, he let his wings power him through the air. He enjoyed the feeling of fighting the air currents, feeling powerful as he did so.

He frowned as he thought to the good bye that he had received from the female just a few hours before. It seemed that many of the equines in this realm had faith of some sort... But he had never had positive reason for faith... Taking a deep breath, he pushed himself toward the rocky path that he could barely see from his height.

Landing with a thud, Sol gazed up the path. As he got his legs used to holding his weight, he stretched out and then tucked in his wings. He did this the same way that he usually did, tucking in first the rear set and then the fore set over top. This was the easiest way for him to get them settled, and the most comfortable. Stretching his neck, he began the trek up the final bit of path.

Reaching the top, he eyed the columns and the almost temple like area that he had found. This was... not what he had expected. Not that he had any idea what in the world to expect. The idea of coming face to face with the gods themselves was laughable... but maybe priests that spoke for them? Shrugging, he strode to the center and looked around him. Hmmm... Dawn court... that was the God that he should be worshiping...

"Oriens..." Sol started before pausing to make sure that he was alone in the area. Gods knew that he did NOT want anyone to witness him here if it all turned out to be dumb and a waste of time. "I suppose that I am not... well... not the one that you would expect in your court. I am no scholar... I am the furthest thing from wise or calm... I try for honesty and strive to be neutral... now..." This was not the interaction that he had intended. Who would have thought that the massive grump would be willing to spill his heart to a God that may or may not be real?

"I have done many questionable, even bad, things in my life... I almost killed a filly in a fit or rage. I was raised to rule and it was not the best way. I was cruel and power hungry... I was... Well... I was headed to a bad place. But this is a new chance.. I hope. I dont know if you are really there.. I am most likely speaking to myself like an idiot. But I had to get it off of my chest. I have felt nothing but guilt for the last year and have no idea where I should belong. If you are real, I wouldnt blame you for just striking me with lightning and getting me out of your mane." The last was said with a slight chuckle as he sighed and looked around him once again.

Notes: Well... not the post I had thought to write XD

Messages In This Thread
Where is the Faith in the World - by Sol Bestiam - 06-20-2019, 03:46 PM
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