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When Morrighan awoke, for a moment, it was as if the island had been swallowed by fog. She had fallen asleep within the edges of the forest (alone, despite the Dusk Court King's warning) but she could barely make out the shapes of the trees. The air was thick with humidity as well and, when she stood, she was covered in sweat. Disgusting.

Now that she was standing, she could see slightly more details. The sun was up since she could see the light filtering through the fog. The faint sound of the waves crashing could be heard in the distance towards the shoreline, so at least that would be a marker of the exit. Morrighan almost headed that way when she heard a sound much closer by along with a slow moving shadow. Her ears perked forward and for now, she stayed perfectly still.

The mare squinted her eyes, trying to make out the exact shape of the shadow. It seemed… equine? Although, this damn fog was so thick, she could barely even make out her own feet. Speaking of which, perhaps her magic could actually help her out here. She focused and let her hooves heat up, careful not to spark a flame since it would give off her location. Waving a hoof in the air, the fog slowly dissipated enough to give her a slightly better view. It was not effective enough to fully clear it, but it was enough to show her for a moment that there was someone ahead. It seemed to be wearing something, which hid many of its features.

Then Morrighan thought back to the big meeting at the statue and the mysterious hooded woman with the vulture. Could it be her? If it was, Morr was sure as hell not going to let her get away without answering some questions. There was something seriously off about her.

The grullo mare stepped forward, being cautious not to step on too many branches to make her existence known. She wanted to be stealthy at first to see what this other woman was up to. This island, which quickly pissed her off, was already full of too many secrets. For all she knew, this woman was behind some of them or knew much more than she did overall.

But as she followed, it only made Morr confused. The woman looked back at something and almost seemed afraid. She was not looking in Morr's direction, so it didn't seem to be from her footsteps, but from something else. At least in Morr's eyes, there was nothing else here in the forest with them. What was going on?

The faint voice of the vulture could be heard- something about following them. Did the bird know she was here? If they did, it didn't matter since the woman had replied with "No". Suddenly, her pace quickened and so Morrighan did the same. She would not lose sight of this mare now.

Of course, in speeding up, she took one misstep and cracked a small branch. It did not make an extremely loud sound, but she'd be surprised if they hadn't heard it at all. At this point, Morrighan was feeling a bit bored of following them anyway since nothing else was happening. Now seemed a good time as any to confront the woman and she made sure to keep her guard up in case her or the vulture fought back.

"You there!" she shouted, making her way through the fog to get closer. Just her luck, it was thickening rather than dissipating.

"You're from the meeting at the shore; the one with the weird vulture," she stated, not bothering to beat around the bush. Morrighan was standing in front of the woman now, finally being able to see her and the bird more clearly. The fog rolled around them, almost as if it was trying to swallow them whole instead.

She decided to cut right to the chase. "State your name and purpose for being here," she demanded, her hooves growing hot again with trails of smoke curling up from her feet. The fire churned inside her, begging to be let out and touch the other woman's flesh, but she forced it back. Not yet. Considering how scared the woman was earlier, Morr was hoping she could intimidate the woman easily and would not be afraid to use some force if she had to.

@Seraphina -insert shook eyes emoji-
Art by The-Day-of-Shadow ; Table by Katherine

Messages In This Thread
teeth of many martyrs; - by Seraphina - 06-22-2019, 11:21 PM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Morrighan - 06-23-2019, 11:12 AM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Moira - 06-27-2019, 12:11 AM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Seraphina - 07-03-2019, 03:56 PM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Morrighan - 07-07-2019, 01:59 PM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Moira - 07-11-2019, 08:38 PM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Seraphina - 07-23-2019, 09:12 PM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Morrighan - 07-28-2019, 02:15 PM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Moira - 09-20-2019, 01:40 PM
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