an equine & cervidae rpg
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All Welcome  - ' ' let the sun withdraw his rays * [relic hunt]

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Played by Offline Zombie [PM] Posts: 103 — Threads: 8
Signos: 325
Inactive Character

She slips away from Delumine in the dead of night when not even Somnus and his soldiers can contain her. Closed boarders mean nothing to her when there is a prize waiting to be had. There is talk of an ancient relic, something that was gone before she even arrived, but has returned. Relics hold power, at least the ones in the lands she has come from, so naturally, the idea draws her in. She needs to find this relic, wield this power (a power she doesn’t know for fact actually exists). And even if her search lands her at a dead end, she will consider herself more knowledgeable for taking the leap and actually looking.

After all, it is knowledge that drives her to leave the safety of her small, private island in Delumine. It is knowledge that she seeks, craves, lusts after. It is the idea that there might be secrets to uncover, secrets that can be bought and sold, that drive her forward. Her pace is quick as her hooves pound the earth. Her determination to learn is plain as day to any to look upon her.

She thinks nothing of the people she passes, those who are meandering their way towards the island that seemed to pop up out of nowhere. By the time she reaches the sandy beaches, her chest is heaving for breath, her body slick with sweat. Red streaked mane sticks to the nape of her neck, slit pupils taking in all the sights. She is unsure of where she should begin her hunt, but she knows she must enter the jungle. After all, things are never left to be found out in the open.

As she slips into the forest, the shadows overtake her and she seems to blend in. The white feathering on her legs betrays her ability to drift into the shadows, so she uses her magic to blend herself into the surroundings. It’s not perfect, but it at least allows her to slip past others who are on a similar trail.

By the time she reaches the red mare, she is exhausted and thirsty. She lowers her magic, allowing her to be fully seen as she stops here for a brief recharge. Coming to stand alongside the other, she looks at her with a curious glance before she lowers her lips to sip from the pool that tastes of sweet honey. The fish seem to scatter as lips touch water, Sloane not at all upset that the fish eying the two were so obviously disturbed. But there is something about the mare beside her that has her uneasy, as if she doesn’t fully trust her. Eyes look at the mare with an intense focus as she draws to stand at full height. She says nothing yet, unsure of what to say. It didn’t seem right to say “you better not be after the relic, it’s mine for the taking.” She was not the most social creature, but she was trying to learn to hold her tongue. It was difficult and she failed often, but she was trying to be more personable - something fellow Dawn Court citizens had challenged her to do.


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RE: ' ' let the sun withdraw his rays * [relic hunt] - by Sloane - 06-28-2019, 06:17 AM
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