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All Welcome  - ' ' let the sun withdraw his rays * [relic hunt]

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Played by Offline e-cho [PM] Posts: 243 — Threads: 27
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Inactive Character

m o i r a
Give me, for God’s sake, something of thy joy,
That I may learn what good there is in thee.

etween them, the air fizzles and sizzles, crackling with tension and unease. Sloane’s discomfort, her lack of social propriety and manners makes the world slow and focus on those few moments when silence is stretched tight and time is stretched thin. Golden eyes wait with the patience of a crone, sewing away the moments into the tapestry of time, recording every minute flinch and flick of muscles that flicker by the soft glowing light of fruits hanging overhead and fish-eyes staring from below. At last, dark brow raises and brooding eyes meet that of molten honey. ”When one is raised to be a decoration and to breath and spew art from stardust lungs, they learn of beauty and its coldness,” she says mildly, letting herself rove over every curve of Sloane and grin.

The phoenix knows how unsettling her looks can be, how people shy away from those black sclera and piercing gold stares, how flowers bloom where she steps from kindness, but shy from demon-gaze that drips with sin and judgement.

There are quiet calculations within them that measure the standoffish woman, sizing up her strengths and faults. The pegasus knows that she herself is a rather imperfect creature. Made of blood and wings where ice and silver should have coated her, of mistakes the Matron both regrets and relishes, of so many errors that were avoidable should proper social conduct and the rules of the Tonnerre name been followed… And yet here she stands as a girl of starlight and sunshine, a healer with a chilled heart and restless mind.

"I am merely a sin and a stain, but I appreciate your eye for art all the same.” She winks, she purrs, she feels the amused brush of Neejra in her mind. The tiger watches, hungry and satiated, letting her cub play as she will with this woman who is not of Night, who is not her cub’s kin.

Standing face to face, it is easy to see the other woman is larger, lovelier and possessing that which makes a woman desirable. The pegasus is but a breeze in the hands of the wind, far smaller in stature, but just as large in presence. Aureate gaze hardens, lips tighten at the edges and she looks to the black koi in the waters, disgusted. "Why is the world driven by greed? Send it to a suitor, hang it, burn it. I never said I would, only that you’d make for a lovely subject. Set that aside - you should not be out alone in a strange new place.” At last she softens, concern for humanity, for others, for the sacred sense of life itself permeating every crevice of her star-studded skin, planting itself firmly in her breast, atop her heart that beats furiously for reasons that tug frustrations into the surface and pull threads from her carefully woven tapestry. "Let me accompany you, should you find yourself in a bind, I know a few ways to bind you myself so that you suffer less for your impatience. I won’t ask what it is you seek and you will not ask it of me.”

Brows raise, head tilts at the offer. The ball is passed to Sloane, and she lets the mare stew on the answer, waiting patiently once more for the silence to end, for the adventure to continue, and time to flow again.

@Sloane | "speaks" | notes: <3

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RE: ' ' let the sun withdraw his rays * [relic hunt] - by Moira - 07-07-2019, 01:44 PM
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