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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

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The tension was so strong, you could cut it with a knife, but Morrighan didn't care. If anything, Moira's attempts at calming her down only made her more furious. How could she be patient when this woman in the hood has been bothering her ever since her arrival on the island? These were not the times to be patient and accepting of everyone 'just because'. The way she bowed to this woman too only set her off more.

"I think I have a right to be suspicious during times of war when those we thought we could trust can turn on us in an instant," she snapped, her nostrils flaring. Her thoughts went to the story Moira told her of Raum and also of the man named Abel, apparently a former Denoctian, and who they captured recently. "This woman was at the meeting at the shore when the statue appeared with Tempus' message. She knows more than she's letting on and I think you do too. I saw how you bowed to her. She's someone important and I feel I have a right to know why, for the sake of my safety and Denocte's. Or are you turning against us too, Moira Tonnerre?"

Morrighan didn't care anymore if she was accusing her own Emissary. She hated secrets and lies; it was time that she got some answers. She would do anything that was necessary to get what she wanted. If she had to fight tooth and nail, so be it. Both of them would be smart not to let that happen and just talk already.

The hooded woman snapped at her, advising her not to threaten strangers. Morr just scoffed, not phased at all by the ice in her tone or the glare in her eyes. "I've looked on as Raum's minions trespassed onto our lands and nearly burned the entire market down. Some of our people died. I will threaten you until I'm given proof that I no longer need to," she snapped right back, side-eyeing Moira to see if she would finally say anything useful.

The woman then let down her hood to reveal her face. Morrighan's expression lightened slightly at the sight of the scars, reminding her of her own. However, the woman's face meant nothing to Morr. If she had known what the former Day Court sovereign looked like, then perhaps, but she had not been here long enough to be very involved in Novus politics. To make matters worse, the gray mare claimed to know Moira and Isra well enough and they did not consider her a threat. The grullo mare's eyes narrowed again.

"That just means all three of you are hiding something and you hate your face. So, no, that's not enough for me," she spat, taking a step closer. "And you've given me no reason to trust you - what's your point?"

The women started to change the subject and babbled on about the island, which just made her look on in shock. Are you fucking kidding me? To hell with the island. It was a mysterious piece of land, sure, but it was not nearly as important right now. The way the gray woman spoke also pissed her off, it reminded her of the 'advice' she gave at the meeting and the way the bay stallion whispered to her. They both had an air of importance to them and she was sick of it.

"This is what I mean," she shouted, interrupting them and turning back to Moira. "This was how she was at the meeting, all ominous and shit. Can someone please start explaining themselves before I set this whole goddamn island on fire?" Unfortunately, it was an empty threat, but perhaps with the right kind of kindling…

@Moira @Seraphina -whistles innocently-
Art by The-Day-of-Shadow ; Table by Katherine

Messages In This Thread
teeth of many martyrs; - by Seraphina - 06-22-2019, 11:21 PM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Morrighan - 06-23-2019, 11:12 AM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Moira - 06-27-2019, 12:11 AM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Seraphina - 07-03-2019, 03:56 PM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Morrighan - 07-07-2019, 01:59 PM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Moira - 07-11-2019, 08:38 PM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Seraphina - 07-23-2019, 09:12 PM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Morrighan - 07-28-2019, 02:15 PM
RE: teeth of many martyrs; - by Moira - 09-20-2019, 01:40 PM
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