everyone smiles in the same language
Fiona's interest in the island rests entirely in its plant-life. Every bizarre bloom and leafy growth catches her eye. She wonders if any have medicinal properties or other uses. Soaks, teas, some are simply so beautiful to look at she wishes that they decorated her house. But when she goes exploring, with her journals and her pens to study, collect and catalogue, she had not been expecting everything to go wrong.
Time slips from between her fingers without moving at all, and she watches as a bush she describes in her book dies, suddenly, but no more than 30 seconds later is rebudding and full and green. Something is not right here. Something is not right at all, and Fiona is not certain she wants to stick around and find out what else is going on when she turns for the beach, and bridge, and home.
tags| "thought-casting"
rallidae | argenticideSTAFF EDIT***
@fiona has rolled a 1! She has been awarded +1 EXP point.