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Private  - Why is my Arrow in your Shoulder?

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

The feisty little doe was definitely happy to meet new individuals, anyone really who could be described as a potential future friend: such as this very, very large male. She tilted her head to the side, her forelock briefly falling into her emerald gaze at his words, unexpected... pleasure now what was that supposed to mean?! She huffed, "Ya know, you could have just said that it was a pleasure, no need to throw in that unexpected." She huffed in jest, pulling her muzzle into a faux pout even as the corners twitched with the echo of a smile. "Well, not to many can imagine the pros and cons to arrow shooting in general, so of course you'd have never imagined being glad for the arrow shot. I'm just glad it didn't do more than surprise ya! Could have been nasty if it had been tipped." Now that would have been an awkward conversation -Sorry about the arrow buried in your shoulder, didn't know you were around. Does it hurt? Er, don't pull it out, we don't know how deep it is, or what it cut into. Say, have you always been unable to use that leg properly?- Yes, thank goodness she didn't practice with the tipped ones. For this very reason no less.

Of course the topic of his unique hooves could easily pull her attention elsewhere, the doe was simply to curious by the oddness of his hooves, needing to dissect the situation, find out the why, the how, the what ofs. She tilted her head as her ears perked forward in eager curiosity. Cally grinned with a shrug, "Where I come from, your wings wouldn't really cause much of a start. I've seen a few with an odd assortment of wings. The hooves are another matter tho. And we already covered the fact you're taller than a tree, so no need to bring that into detail. No there's far more about your hooves that can be exciting and needing to be debunked. Like if different places and situations could produce different responses. Or ooh, weather! Can you melt snow, thaw ice? Is it the sort of thing that trotting through a puddle could boil it! WHAT ABOUT THE OCEAN! DO YOU KNOW HOW COOL IT COULD BE TO BOIL THE OCEAN!" Okay, it might not be a good idea, but it'd be cool - and that outweighs the not-cool aspect of it!

The little doe had a very strong opinion about the multi-hued, dramantic stallion she'd stumbled upon a fair few times - a very vocal and strong opinion (a lot of which was just words to hide the fondness she was developing, not that she'd ever admit that unless under extreme duress). But to hear someone state they'd speak on her behalf - even if his words were mostly, and clearly, said in sarcasm and sass, she couldn't help but doing a half-way little giddy trot in place. "Oh yes, please tell him all of that, especially the part about him being no good for the world. If you can imagine to comment on his need to primp himself being a touch on the feminine side as well that'd be just lovely." She added, almost as an after thought, imagining the halo above her large dear ears, and not for the first wondered if her doe horns were really just demon horns that had been sanded down from points. Luckily for the obnoxious stallion in question, Coy really did hold a soft spot in her heart even if she didn't openly show it.

@Sol Bestiam

Let's jump on the sun and ride it to tomorrow together, where everything is brighter and sure to be better.

Messages In This Thread
Why is my Arrow in your Shoulder? - by Callynite - 09-15-2019, 09:39 PM
RE: Why is my Arrow in your Shoulder? - by Callynite - 12-06-2019, 11:06 AM
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