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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A


"Just give me the world and I will give it back to you
Just tell me it hurts and I will fix it for you"
There was a part towards the young doe-turned-hybrid who was still learning the story and history of the land - finding out why certain areas were the way there were. It was true that there was much that Cally wouldn't know, much she was not yet in tune to - and more still that she would have to learn from the maw of those who had lived in these lands long before she stepped through the portal that fateful day. But there was also a dedication to the earth, a desire to protect it that sung in her heart, spurred forth by her new twist to familiar magic. As long as the Earth whispered to her, guided her hoof towards the work She saw needing to be undone, Cally would serve Mother Nature, just as she would proudly stand beside Po for any of his decisions of Delumine. Cally was a creature who took duty seriously, and she prayed there would never be a day she'd have to choose between the Nature she'd chosen to once more serve to protect and defend and the very nation and realm that took her in and made her part of the family when she had first stepped into Delumine, confused at the land she had woken up in.

Still, she feels there is oddness in the interaction that had once been smoother between her and her King, an inevitable shift in attitudes that she couldn't name and quickly tried to put off on being just the upset of the recent situation. She couldn't begin to attempt to read into the mind of the buck stallion before her, and even for their brief interactions previously, she couldn't say she knew Po either. Well enough to recognize her sovereign even from a distance, but not enough to be able to explain him to another beyond his appearance and station. She knew little about him, little about the distress of the Forest and where it came from, little about anything. A part of her troubled at her lack of knowledge in so much of it as well, a more substantial piece of her didn't want to upset others in such an uncertain time by demanding answers for why the Forest seemed so distressed.

She didn't know Viride like others, but this wasn't the first Forest filled with Magic she called home. And the difference between the Thicket, and Viride, was like night and day. The Thicket had been filled with life that seemed to sing with its laughter and joy: eager to communicate with any deer beneath its' timber who wished to talk. She had been close with the very spirit of that Forest. . . pure and alive and so willing to give so long as it received in return. Viride . . . . was off, something was wrong. And she wished, nay . . . she yearned to know what, and if she might be able to help it.

Fear held her tongue from voicing these questions. Concern for upsetting those who might still see her as the outsider, the foreigner. Fear of accidentally antagonizing. Fear of the answer itself . . . So she dives instead into the task she'd been given, letting herself fall into the Magic, her energy joining the very flow of energy that gave the forest life, her eyes unfocusing, losing herself briefly in the trails of the Magic that would provide answers to even some of the questions she could not voice. It wasn't often that she'd allow herself to go in the company of others, to show just how her Magic could pull her into the Magic of the Earth, take her into its' folds. Perhaps it was a silent plea for the stallion to see just how useful she could be, or an unspoken desire to re-prove herself as part of Novus, a citizen of Novus instead of a transplant who was stepping in on his branch of Magic.

Perhaps it was just a need to find comfort in the Magic of the Forest, that allowed her to sink so deep in. Or even just a desire to prove herself as a magic wielder. Perhaps it was a little bit of all of it combined. As it was, she allowed the energy to coax her, gently nudging it in the direction she needed for the answer and report she could give, even as the energy tried to pull at her to stay within the flow, caressing her conscious with the sizzling auras. She pulls away fast as the temptation is presented, feeling herself trembling from the overuse, and almost stumbling at the movement of Po, before graciously accepting the strength he accepted as she returned fully to the present. Her smile is tentative, wary as she fights back the tug of energy leaving her body - as if the flow could tempt her back by that alone. A part of her considers what it would mean, to never leave the stream of Magic, of Nature all around her, singing to her in melodies she could harmonize with unspoken ease.

She keeps herself firmly stationed, however, knowing her Magic was not yet strong enough to support that constant or even semi-constant dive that would allow her to split her presence between this plane and that one. One day, perhaps. But not this day. His words catch her off guard, drawing her thoughts out of the energy and her exhaustion from pushing herself back into the conversation. Death. She is silent as he explains they are trying to fight death, like any of them, might be. Her gaze turned towards the trees, her expression shifting to something unreadable as she absorbs his answer. She knew only bits and pieces of the history of the Forest, but the energy, the tainted strands that ran through the Forest, she could read those. And her heart ached for the Forest, a desperate desire welled up, wanting to help - to defend however she could.

His words returned, feeding the growing need for purpose that the doe was starting to be taken by, and her ivy eyes turned towards him silently as she pulled back from his steadying strength - finding her limbs reliable beneath her again, even if bones still felt heavy after the most recent deep dive into the flow. She nodded to his words, of finding whoever was killing the patrons of the Forest, of his intentions to walk the Forest, every inch scored until no one remains to harm it. She can feel the forest quake at his words, her senses adding a more profound level as the energy around them seemed to flare at his declaration, before he broke the question to her.

There was a shift in the doe, as she stood taller, head held high and the determined glint visible in her eye as she met his gaze unyielding, "If it means spending every second in Viride, following the flow until the currents rob me of my own energy, I won't rest until whomever things they can lord over Her children is destroyed. I'm a druid, my duty is to protect the Earth, and all that Nature claims over. Whether it be the trees of the Forest, the birds of the sky, or the rabbits in the field, as long as you walk these forests, I'll be but a silent call away, doing the same." She vowed with determination. She might not have the most comfort or reliance in her place in Dawn Court; she might still feel like the outsider being humored. Still, Novus was now her home, the currents had built her into their energetic flow of Magic, and as long as the Nature of Novus called for her aid, Po would find her ready to defend, her Magic would one day shake the foundation of Novus to the core, rebuild rivers into new alignment, and move groves to new location, but only for the betterment of Novus, only for the improvement of Nature, of Magic. She would defend this land that called to her for aid, and she would do so until her last breath.

@Ipomoea ;;

Artwork ©LupinHallow

Messages In This Thread
more than a warning [patrol] - by Ipomoea - 02-02-2020, 11:10 AM
RE: more than a warning [patrol] - by Callynite - 02-09-2020, 03:13 AM
RE: more than a warning [patrol] - by Ipomoea - 02-11-2020, 01:53 AM
RE: more than a warning [patrol] - by Callynite - 02-11-2020, 10:09 AM
RE: more than a warning [patrol] - by Ipomoea - 02-14-2020, 02:44 PM
RE: more than a warning [patrol] - by Callynite - 02-16-2020, 11:17 PM
RE: more than a warning [patrol] - by Ipomoea - 03-01-2020, 09:53 PM
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