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girls who run with wolves aren't here for boys to love. the moon sings every night, pulls the ocean's tides to shore; your heart belongs to every star, screams dance upon your lips. a princess should be built of stars and suns and forevers, your mother told you fairytales but she didn't tell you this:

The smell of blood, combined with the metal-edged scent of rain, reminds her of the sharp copper of pennies. Metallic, bright—so bright it is nearly a flavour, in fact. Yet, there is a delicate understanding that one ought not tongue pennies. 

However, Boudika wants to tongue thisscent; she wants to taste the bright, too-bright flavour that dances in the air more like colour than a feeling. The scent is Anandi’s harbinger. The scent strips Boudika’s inhibitions so that when the grey mare crests the cliffside on a narrow path to utter the tiger-striped mare’s name—well, the beast Anandi discovers would joyously leap from the edge, if only to be closer to the sea.

Boudika does not answer the mare’s exclamation of her name. Not at first. There is an aura of disturbance, of interruption. Boudika turns away from the cliff edge, mouth half-agape and stretched in a ghastly fashion, the shape of the wail still on her lips. 

The rain pelts them both; Boudika takes a step from the edge, toward her new companion. What happens if it hits us.

A Boudika from another life may have laughed charismatically, shyly.

This Boudika’s smile stretches to the macabre. She says, “Then it kills you.” But Boudika does not glance toward the sky, even as another bolt lights the two of them. Instead she takes another step forward; her crimson eyes are trained on Anandi. Oh, Boudika remembers this mare and wonders what would have happened if she had asked for the Change from her instead. Amaroq is in Boudika’s mind even as she thinks it, silent and mysterious as a lone wolf, here and then gone. Amaroq, sheathed in ice, with bones entangled in his mane like music…


“Does it frighten you?” 

Her voice does not match her ghastly appearance; it emerges girlish, soft, and Boudika steps closer. She knows she would not find Anandi so intoxicating if not for the scent that lingers even now against the unforgiving pelt of rain. Boudika knows she would not find Anandi so intoxicating if she were her maker; it is because they are different, it is because she wonders what she tastes like

@Anandi  || “speech.” 

when the sun sets and the wolves run you will find that sometimes the princess and the witch are one and red riding hood will eat the wolf; there is fire in your blood, a forest building in your veins, don't try to lose the moonlight. you were meant for this. between dawn and dusk you were made of miracles and you can run all you want, but in the light of the moon the wolves will always call you back.

Messages In This Thread
run girl run - by Boudika - 02-24-2020, 10:53 PM
RE: run girl run - by Anandi - 03-18-2020, 07:20 PM
RE: run girl run - by Boudika - 03-19-2020, 08:34 PM
RE: run girl run - by Anandi - 03-24-2020, 02:20 PM
RE: run girl run - by Boudika - 04-03-2020, 01:47 PM
RE: run girl run - by Anandi - 05-17-2020, 03:56 PM
RE: run girl run - by Boudika - 06-28-2020, 12:37 AM
RE: run girl run - by Anandi - 07-27-2020, 10:09 PM
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