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Private  - hallucinations

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"Break in the sun till the sun breaks down,"

Watching the emotions flicker like barely alive embers across the mare's face seems like watching a seed on the cusp of metamorphosis. There is fury in the crack of her bones as she lifts them away from the marsh spreading out between them. Thana can see something else, something lost, something mortal as the grass flowering against her hip. It is that mortality, that hint of something lost, in the planes of the mare's face that makes Thana step closer.

Between them her horn glimmers in the dappled sunlight, and casts sword shadows on the pooling water and mud.

Perhaps it's peotic, that blade of darkness trapped half in moss and half in swamp. Perhaps it's only a foretelling, a remnant of Thana's memory of the way the mare scoffs at the strange magic (the same sort of unholy magic rushing through her veins like white lightning). Perhaps it's a threat, a tossing of a gauntlet, a whisper in the wind--

A whisper saying, run, run, run. Run because Thana is starting to wonder the ways in which she can pull the magic from Morrighan's body, leech it fromm her like rain leeched from a cloud.


“If you know how to look there are things that are the same.” Her voice is a whisper of judgment, a promise of that shadow blade, a thing softer than the fresh growl of Eligos. There is magic here, and there is also death here. Thana does not need to wonder which the mare will find if she walks so blindly through the grass forest and the violet waterfalls. The pack, the specter herd, they devour the blind.

Thana steps closer, too close, wolf to a lamb close, teeth around the throat close. The wet grass clings to her knees, moving closer with her (and maybe it's through her too, all this broken magic seeking a solid form). “Perhaps if you lingered here you could see it too. But I fear the island might devour you whole.” She smiles around the words with herbivore teeth, shadows and seed.  Somewhere the distant pack starts to howl, and scream, and the sound sends a shiver down Thana's spine.

Whatever it is that they had been running too,  or whoever--

The pack has found it.

"And death shall have no dominion"



Messages In This Thread
hallucinations - by Morrighan - 03-19-2020, 11:55 PM
RE: hallucinations - by Thana - 03-22-2020, 07:54 PM
RE: hallucinations - by Morrighan - 03-26-2020, 11:06 PM
RE: hallucinations - by Thana - 03-28-2020, 10:03 PM
RE: hallucinations - by Morrighan - 03-31-2020, 08:59 PM
RE: hallucinations - by Thana - 04-03-2020, 11:31 AM
RE: hallucinations - by Morrighan - 04-05-2020, 09:04 PM
RE: hallucinations - by Thana - 04-08-2020, 07:02 PM
RE: hallucinations - by Morrighan - 04-12-2020, 11:16 PM
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