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Grueling tensions // Want me in a spiral // I'm waiting to unravel // Twisted motives // Drive me in a circle // I'm dying to untangle

All she knows anymore are aches and pains and nausea. How anyone could do this willingly is beyond her, but it became more clear to her why her mom resented her sometimes. If this is how she felt during pregnancy, Morrighan supposes she couldn't entirely blame her.

If many didn't get nervous by her fire, they do now, since any wrong move sets the Regent off. She can tell she's nearing the end of her pregnancy, but it's not just the hormones and pain that's on her mind. She's still not sure if she's taking care of this child alone or not. To say the least, things didn't go exactly as she hoped with Al'Zahra. It's all very complicated and maybe they were never meant to be.

It was a lot easier when she turned down any chance of love. She used to think it was all stupid and childish, but then she let herself fall, and hard. She made a mistake.

Part of her, though, doesn't want to make the child be a mistake. Part of her actually wants to be a mother, as scary and impossible as it feels. But for the love of Caligo, she keeps hoping it'll be the end of it already. It's clear the child has inherited her stubbornness.

Morrighan doesn't usually spend much time by the sea. It never called to her in any particular way, but for whatever reason she finds herself lost in thought by the shores. The breeze sweeps her mane and plays with strands of her hair. Her forelock falls over her eyes and she shakes her head to get it back into place. It's then that she sees a boat and something shifting beneath the waves. She immediately conjures a fireball that hovers by her side and Bram steps forward with his hackles raised. Morrighan is extremely pregnant, but that doesn't mean she would let a threat walk freely onto their land.

When the creatures rise, she realizes that it's no threat at all. It doesn't take her long to recognize the faces of Isra and Fable. It's felt like ages since they left on their quest. They hadn't gone alone either, but it seems they are the only ones here (or the only ones left- she's afraid to ask).

As Isra approaches, the sea acts like a child not wanting to let go of its mother. Morrighan watches with narrowed eyes and the fireball still hovers in the air. Bram has relaxed, but keeps a close eye on his companion. She is still too bitter. What was possibly more important than Denocte? Maybe she will never know or understand.

She transforms the ball into the shape of an arrow and it hisses through the air towards Isra's chest. Morr aims for her heart, but makes the fire disappear before it meets her flesh. In a way it's a warning, but also a greeting.

"You're back," is all the Regent says. It's all she really can say for now.

@Isra <3

Messages In This Thread
a darkness brighter than the dawn, - by Isra - 05-29-2020, 07:16 PM
RE: a darkness brighter than the dawn, - by Morrighan - 05-29-2020, 09:57 PM
RE: a darkness brighter than the dawn, - by Isra - 06-03-2020, 06:57 PM
RE: a darkness brighter than the dawn, - by Morrighan - 06-14-2020, 09:18 PM
RE: a darkness brighter than the dawn, - by Isra - 06-29-2020, 01:29 PM
RE: a darkness brighter than the dawn, - by Morrighan - 07-05-2020, 08:31 PM
RE: a darkness brighter than the dawn, - by Isra - 07-31-2020, 04:19 PM
RE: a darkness brighter than the dawn, - by Morrighan - 08-02-2020, 01:52 PM
RE: a darkness brighter than the dawn, - by Isra - 09-04-2020, 08:13 PM
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