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Private  - i could really use a wish right now [tenebrae] [fall]

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dusk court warrior

he turns to the monk, not smiling and not offering a greeting, but simply acknowledging his presence.  There is a stillness between them, peaceful and raw, and she dips her head in greeting as the firefly on her cheek lifts forward and toward him, fluttering and blinking just beyond his grasp.  “If I shared my wish, it wouldn’t come true… isn’t that what they say about wishes?”  Whether it was or wasn’t, she didn’t feel comfortable baring her soul to this stranger, with lostness in his demeanor and longing in his eyes.  Stepping closer to him, she draws in the scent of him – wild and dark.

“Your magic is curious…”  She toys with his darkness, nudging it and watching the way it bended across the curves of the riverbank.  Mephisto didn’t trust magic – or at least she had a healthy respect for it.  She could not know if the darkness was friendly or not, but its wielder seemed unthreatening enough.  “I cannot know if wishes come true… but it’s a lovely sort of thought.  The only certainty I’ve found, is that what you put into life is what you take away from it.  I cannot rely on our gods, any more than I can rely on wishes in the night.”  A harsh sentiment, but a truism as far as she was concerned.  Mephisto had never been one to believe.

She had known gods, yes… many, many gods.  But they had power only over their small slices of the world: air, dark, fire.  They ruled a specific land, a specific people – but in her travels, Mephisto had discovered different names being whispered in prayers.  There had never been one to rule them all.  In her mind, that was the problem… for if a god were truly the answer, would they not be all-knowing, all-powerful, and a god for the world?

Her blasphemy would not be appreciated by Terrestella, but she Mephisto knew she wasn’t alone in her faithlessness.  Still, she would not have spoken in a manner so cavalier to her herd-mates.  There were those who were pious and believing, and she would not fault them for their faith – she simply wouldn’t join in it.  This stranger was different though.  He seemed too lost in his own contemplation to worry about the unfaithfulness of a Terrestellan.  She doubted it would even phase him.

“I am Mephisto of the Dusk Court.  Where did you learn this?” she gestures to his darkness, not revealing her own magics.  For they were something she’d yet to understand.  Perhaps by knowing how Tenebrae had gained his magic, she might be given some guidance on how to control her own.

@Mephisto | "speaks" | @Tenebrae

Messages In This Thread
i could really use a wish right now [tenebrae] [fall] - by Mephisto - 06-01-2020, 01:11 PM
RE: i could really use a wish right now - by Mephisto - 06-06-2020, 03:41 AM
RE: i could really use a wish right now [tenebrae] - by Mephisto - 08-26-2020, 12:55 PM
RE: i could really use a wish right now [tenebrae] - by Mephisto - 08-31-2020, 12:36 PM
RE: i could really use a wish right now [tenebrae] - by Mephisto - 09-20-2020, 01:59 PM
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