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if the earth quakes down, buildings fall

He was far from blind to how she had reacted to him mentioning those he considered his daughters.  Before then, she had been expressing herself in a way that betrayed a mild sense of tolerance—she was indulging him, he supposed, by listening to what he said.  Now, however, was a different story.

It made him wonder all the more.  Wonder about this woman of the sand, who wanted to get away for reasons unknown to him.

The smile that he wore, one that showed his longing for things of the past, did not fade even as he noticed that minuscule tear escape from its bindings and tarnish her skin.  She was highly reactive to the tear's sudden appearance, and he remained quiet for a moment as he looked at her jerk her head away to hide it.

Forget about it—

He does not believe he will ever forget those words, not while in her sharpened presence.  Just as she had requested -demanded- then, once more, he does.  But, as he did earlier, he allowed the concern, the emotions to such a sight, remain inside of him.  

At her rigid praise, though, his expression does fall, and once more he is reminded of the fact that they are strangers.  She does not know of his own believed shortcomings; of how he failed to express his affection for the three wonderful women he misses so much and hopes are okay, safe, wherever they may be.  Or how they don't even know he considers himself their father.

(He had cried out that truth to Aelin, though, when she went by another name.  That was the last time he ever saw her...)

Able to put his pain, his yearning, behind him, and in a tightly sealed box, he overcomes the fact that he misses them and longs to see them all.  Forever he will carry them in a sacred place only they occupy in his heart, but he cannot allow himself to linger on the truth that he is no longer able to see them.

It hurts.  He does not thank her for her stiff commendation.

After he spoke, he focused on her.  Drawing his mind away from itself and looking at the unemotional smile that graced her lips.  Giving her a nod, understanding what she said, and not even thinking of pushing her to try and go beyond what she believed she needed to do.  He did not know that the desert called for her in a way it once did for him, was unaware that the dunes of Novus had claimed her as its own long before he was even close to being the man he was now.

Neck straightening, his ears angled forward at her question, one that toed the line of being another order that he willingly accepted.  Delumine—where to begin?

The forest was what was currently closest, still quite a ways out of reach, but hardly a distance to cross compared to the trek he had just undertaken with Hälla at his side.  "I have not been here long enough to, I believe, give you an adequate telling but..." he gazes towards the forest just then, eyeing the fall colors that paint the forests leaves in the distance, "The forest is a pleasant place, if one wishes to, perhaps, get lost for a while.  Or simply walk beneath her trees."  His smile is tender, revealing that maybe he had done this himself once already.  He looks back to her, "However, I find myself more entranced with the meadow within Delumine's borders.  I'm sure I'll be there most of the time once spring comes to this place.  I hold a particular fondness for such places, it reminds me of a somewhere I once lived."

It was not the flowing prairie grasses of Sanus, but it reminded him of the meadow Sovereign held.  The one where he found himself not long after coming to the island.  It was a place he can remember well, one where he laid down for a while.  

It is then he remembers the time he offered the young Roslyn his cloak to lay on.  She had accepted and he had kindly stood up, allowing her a chance to rest while they conversed for a short while.

A kind memory, one of the many that Sovereign had given him.

The wording of her next question is interesting, and it makes his expression adapt an amused gleam to it.  His answer to it is simple.

"Of course," he tells her immediately, "I am hardly one to say 'no' to others.  A fault, many would say, but I have come to accept it at this point in my life."  It came out lighthearted, like a joke, but it was something he struggled with tremendously and actually saw as one of his bigger flaws.  "If that is something you would ever like for me to do, I would be happy to.  As I mentioned, the meadow within Delumine is one I frequent.  However, as of recent, I have stayed closer to the Dawn Court capitol.  There are festivities going on that, while I am long past partaking in anything of the sort, I enjoy viewing."  He informs her, smiling softly all the while.

And then, "I did overhear all Courts were holding such celebrations.  Perhaps, you might find something of worth within Solterra's?"  He gently suggests.  "However, if that is not an idea you are keen on, then do feel free to come to Delumine.  If we come across one another again, I would be happy to..." his words taper off, showing his uncertainty, "Keep you company?  Show you around?"  He tries to find the right words, but can't.  He shakes his head to himself.  "Whatever you would like, I mean.  Or if you simply need help in the future, I am always willing to do what I can." He finally finishes with a sincere smile, looking at her as if they aren't simple strangers and she is someone he would try to help in any way he could.

And she is.


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RE: my stars dive lower - by Hälla - 06-22-2020, 09:16 AM
RE: my stars dive lower - by Hälla - 06-23-2020, 01:35 PM
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