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All Welcome  - I am a lost boy, from Neverland... [SUMMERFEST]

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Played by Offline Obsidian [PM] Posts: 65 — Threads: 8
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She smiles when he talks of his dreaming and of all the things they could see. She sighs, content, “Me too. It sounds like things you read about in books.” Sereia does not think that even books could rival the beauty and mystery of the world - wasn’t books only a creation of peoples’ minds anyway?

He sighs whimsically, longing for the ocean back. It is ironic, since Sereia longs to the land, to be far away from the sea which is tied so deeply into the creature she is. Yet, her longing does not stop her whispering,”Yes, Pan, I will show you all the gardens of the sea and take you down to its deepest depths.” It could have been the words of a siren, but it wasn’t. This sea-monster had no desire to bring the boy to his death.

Back to Delumine. Sereia smiles. He does not know that Delumine is her home too. The girl laughs, “i live in Delumine too. I hope we will run into each other there. But i will find your cave, it sounds like a wonderful place. Travel safe, Pan.” But already the boy is gone, just a flash of silver in a shoal of horses. 

She turns back to the market, unlike Pan she is not ready for him, not just yet. Sereia lets herself get lost in the crowds.



She wore her hope like a crown,
an unspoken soliloquy of dreams

~ Ariana

Messages In This Thread
I am a lost boy, from Neverland... [SUMMERFEST] - by Pan - 04-11-2020, 06:10 AM
RE: I am a lost boy, from Neverland... [SUMMERFEST] - by Sereia - 10-27-2020, 11:18 AM
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