an equine & cervidae rpg
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Private  - and i'm just a dead man walking tonight

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Played by Offline Kaiju [PM] Posts: 33 — Threads: 10
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Inactive Character

what you've been missing

They are used to strange stares and wide eyes, even more so to shocked gasps and uncertain side-glances, as if they could attack at any given moment. This is what they expect when the young colt turns towards them: oftentimes the younger ones had more exaggerated reactions that were true to their feelings. Never had anyone younger really hidden anything around them . . . they had once even seen a small foal cry out of fear. While it wrenches their heart, they consistently attempt to reach out towards new beings and greet them as happily as ever.

So it isn't a shock to see the young colt quite literally jump, and there's a smile somewhere deep down, sad but also somewhat amused. This one is not screaming at seeing them, so Cicatrix can count it as a win at the moment. So soft laughter bubbles up and out from them, an amused tilt of the head given and seeming almost entirely alien compared to how one would act with a face. "It's alright. I'm used to being stared at ... but at least you have not screamed in fear at me." They can certainly enjoy it for the moment. "I'm Cicatrix, by the way. Just so you have a name to call me by, and so I'm not so.. scary, seeming."

Ears swivel under the cloak atop their head, and they tilt it the other way instead, as if staring curiously at the candies that the young male had. "I might have a few, if that's okay." Sugars and candies and even pastries are something Cicatrix has never really had before, so they take the packet with a grip of telekinesis, opening their mouth and dumping a few of the rock candies on their tongue. Gently closing their jaw, they pass the little packet back to the young colt, making a surprised sound as the sugar melts over their tongue and the candy begins to fizz and crackle.

It makes them lift their head up a little, feathers puffing out on their wings in surprise before they laugh softly. "These are good! And so.. strange. Fizzy... I've never had anything fizzy." It tasted like the electric sensation in the air during a thunderstorm, if that could be a good way to describe it.


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RE: and i'm just a dead man walking tonight - by Cicatrix - 12-31-2020, 02:08 AM
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