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Private  - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Willoughby/lackadaisy)

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Played by Offline lackadaisy [PM] Posts: 105 — Threads: 19
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Inactive Character

She couldn't help but giggle. Willoughby laughed rarely, she snorted less rarely. It was the lighthearted giggles that escaped her. Endearing her to the innocence she did not play at, but rather embraced. No, she would never lift a hoof to hurt let alone scare. The other mare confessed she felt silly looking for them. That was the reason for the giggle.

“I suppose it is a matter of opinion” Willoughby replies to her “I think it is lovely that we take the time to look at items lesser than valuable ones. The same can be said for other equines - the important figures in our lives get more attention than the common folk. I find that rather sad.”

But; “I am bias - I like the pink ones too” she added with a grin.

Pink was her favorite color along with blue. Ironic due to the fact she was both those colors. “My name is Willoughby. Very nice to meet you, Jane” she smiles genuinely again. “I've seen some seas in my travels. Some have rocky shores, too rocky to walk unless you are careful. Others have rainbow sand...”

She trails off, her smile wistful. “Each one was different than the last. Terminus is just another unique one to me.”

“she speaks”

if you don't want to see me dancing with somebody new

Messages In This Thread
RE: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Willoughby/lackadaisy) - by Willoughby - 01-01-2021, 08:09 PM
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