an equine & cervidae rpg
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Private  - let it be, child

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Played by Offline Karma [PM] Posts: 53 — Threads: 11
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Day Court Warden
Male [He/Him/His]  |  15 [Year 496 Winter]  |  19.2 hh  |  Hth: 8 — Atk: 12 — Exp: 14  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Kerauno (Blue Swallow)

galileo kodarki

i felt the touch of the kings and the breath of the wind

Hungry. That is the first thing that comes to mind on his early morning stroll. The canyons had not offered much sustenance, and so he had left late last night to explore the surrounding areas. It just so happened that he had walked further than he had realised, and had ended up in the lush green expanse of meadows that laid out before him. There had been clear borders he had crossed, he was sure of it, but he was quite the drifter these days and would happily make polite conversation (and leave, if required) for those who sought him out.

The grass called to him with its vibrant colours, and he eagerly bent his head to graze, sampling the sparkling lawn beneath him. Never had he enjoyed such tasty blades, and the morning dew made it all the more sweet. The brown of his pelt was a perfect pair to the viridian that stroked his stomach, and his antlers peered out from the depths when his head was bent low. It was a pleasant sight, the man enjoying his morning, peacefully alone. 

When he was finished, he casually lazed about for a while, allowing his body to digest the meal. Rising higher into the sky, the sun graced her warmth and presence across the lands he now walked. When he stood up again, he shook his pelt out, refreshed and ready for the walk "home". 

Staring at the field, Galileo had the eager urge to run. Not from anything, nor to anything, but there was something childlike inside him, spinning and dancing around enthusiastically and innocently. The stallion was old, and it had been a long time since he had found any desire to stretch his legs. But here he was, and he pawed at the ground as he turned to face the direction he willed to run in.

With a delighted whinny, he was off -- a flash of chocolate against a powder blue sky. Down the hill he scarpered, adding in a buck as he went. Skidding to a halt on a flat piece of land, he hopped from one hoof to the other, feeling the burning desire of adrenaline flood into his blood. 

Breathing heavily, he happily tossed his mane around, unfazed by his surroundings, and any who approached.

hope this is ok!
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[Image: ddjamb1-122f9879-334b-49d3-9bc8-46d9c2fb...TM43jI0AC0]


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let it be, child - by Galileo - 01-08-2021, 03:55 PM
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