an equine & cervidae rpg
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Private  - Old Faces

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Played by Offline Elidhu [PM] Posts: 19 — Threads: 7
Signos: 25
Night Court Scholar
Male [He/Him]  |  11 [Year 499 Winter]  |  18 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 24  |    Active Magic: Charismatic Influence  |    Bonded: N/A

Familiar dusty streets stretch into the horizon. Some until they bend, and some are eaten up by the numerous shops of the proud desert city. It smells like home. That's because it is home. It was home he reminds himself. The way the pale arches stretched into the heavens, down to even the way the streets were covered in a fine layer of particulate. Particulate that was often dredged up by the many hooves of the guards, the workmen, and the merchants each day. The city was alive, an entity all its own. An entity that did not love traitors like him. Sebastien knows he was cursed at birth as a traitor. He knew from a very young age that someday he would abandon pearl in the desert for the flames of night. Each one was rich in their respective cultures. Sebastien has loved Denocte for as long as he has drawn breaths. His departure from Solterra was always inevitable. Inevitable just as he was with her. Meira.

The fawn who thinks she can outrun the night if she rises only with the dawn. Night, darkness though is inevitable. Sebastien laughs to himself as he starts down the familiar streets from his youth. The thought that Meira can escape the eclipse that he is, that thought is far too great. She belongs to him, and he knows. He knows. The wolf remains hungry until she comes to her senses. As he moves, before him, is the shape of an equine moving in his direction. Familiar. They are familiar, down to the way they draw breaths. The way their roman nose drips with ivory, down to the way the intricate lines swirl across their canvas. Sebastien pauses as he considers approaching her. It has to be her. Jane, he thinks her name is. He can't be sure because he has not seen her since he was much younger. 

Back when he still spent much time at the Main House and attending their lavish parties. Sebastien begins to move, move through the sea of strangers towards her. "Jane?" He calls out, charm dripping like ink onto a fresh canvas. It stains the world around it. A stain that he cannot scrub off.



Messages In This Thread
Old Faces - by Sebastien - 01-10-2021, 10:51 AM
RE: Old Faces - by Jane - 01-11-2021, 02:57 AM
RE: Old Faces - by Sebastien - 01-18-2021, 02:21 PM
RE: Old Faces - by Jane - 01-18-2021, 05:31 PM
RE: Old Faces - by Sebastien - 01-20-2021, 08:31 PM
RE: Old Faces - by Jane - 01-21-2021, 07:36 AM
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