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Private  - would we be better off by now if i'd let my walls come down

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Played by Offline Zombie [PM] Posts: 109 — Threads: 15
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Inactive Character

Eyes stayed fixed on the ocean, watching the waves crash against the sand while the sun began to paint the horizon in beautiful shades of red and orange. He knew it was getting dangerously close to sunset and for a moment, he wondered if Luvena would join him tonight. He wanted to hope that she got the letter, that she was excited he was willing to try. He knew he couldn’t promise her everything, but he could at least give her the chance.

Suddenly, a sound catches his attention and ears stand at attention. Eyes leave the sight of the setting sun and turn towards where a figure is beginning to make their way through the branches of the willow tree. Soon, he can see that it is Luvena. He offers her a smile, watching as she comes to take a sit near him.

For the first time in a long time, Rhone is nervous. He had spent so much effort trying to make this small little place romantic and beautiful. What if she didn’t like it? Normally he didn’t care if someone appreciated his plants, but this was the first time in a long time he hoped his efforts were not in vain.

As she settled into the pillows (propped up by mounds of sand and grass), he offered her a soft smile. And then she spoke, sounding almost speechless. For a split second, he wondered if she it was a good thing, or a bad thing. But when she continued, complimenting the beauty of the lover’s oasis, he beamed. "I have been living here the last week or so. It’s taken me that long to grow these mature trees. I would nurture them as often as I could in hopes that they might be ready for tonight." While his magic was powerful, it was not as powerful as he had hoped. At one point in his life, he had been able to erect mountains in a day. Here, it seemed like creating one tree took him weeks of near constant work. Thankfully, his magic was improving and he was able to create them much faster.

Using his telekensis powers, he lifted a small tray of cheeses and fruits, sending them her direction so she might snack. If he had traveled all this way, he would be tired and in need of respite too. "I trust your journey was uneventful?" While this was so far out of the way of both their courts, it seemed the most logical place to meet, at least this time.

His eyes scanned over her, noting the unusual sheen to her coat. Clearly something had been added to it. While she didn’t need to doll up for him, he appreciated the effort. It added to the natural beauty of the lavender and thyme that weaned into her mane and tail. She smelled heavenly. "You look beautiful tonight…" He offered her a smile before he continued. "And you smell wonderful.” He had always liked the smell of lavender. It was calming and even tonight, it helped to ease his nerves a little bit.


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RE: would we be better off by now if i'd let my walls come down - by Rhone - 01-19-2021, 09:09 AM
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