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Private  - In the dark of the universe

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Played by Offline wild / jet [PM] Posts: 85 — Threads: 12
Signos: 1,300
Day Court Scholar
Female [she/her]  |  9 [Year 503 Summer]  |  18.3 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 28  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A


Jane beamed, watching the knowledge seep into Veil like a sponge. Wonder and majesty intermixed with her celestial form. The two of them were so different in their forms, earth and space combined on this one surface overlooking the ocean. Halfway between land and sky and sea, in the distance Jane could hear the rumours of the waves and the lives within them. Perhaps Bel was somewhere in those waters, yet another piece in the puzzle that was this continuum of elements.

But one thing united them, and that was that they were both alone. Both lost. Jane had nothing to go home to, and Veil couldn’t go home even if she wished it. And she did wish it, clearly. That was obvious.

The wind picked up a little, and with it came the waves, crashing against rocks and sand. The tide had hit as she expected. If she were to peer over the edge, not so far away, the strand would have been swallowed. The ocean would be violent. Jane tipped her head, looking at Veil and all her solitude. “Come home with me,” Jane said over the wind, “Let me show you the city. You can stay with me til you find your feet.” Her aunt and uncle may not be pleased; indeed, they might even be antagonistic. But in her heart she felt the pull to give Veil safety and shelter, even just some food. Did she even know what it was to eat, to drink? 

Knowing that there was a strong chance of misunderstanding, she turned and gestured for Veil to follow her, finishing by stretching her snout long into the distance; implying that it was far away. Hopefully Veil would take this to mean a direction. Maybe, hopefully, their solitude could have a respite. Then she looked back to Veil and touched her own side, showing that she meant to keep Veil close to her; close to the warmth and the love and all these things that had before been in such short supply.

@[Veil Nebula] / speaks / if we're winding up to the end of our thread i'd happily do another with you, but also feel free to have some space- but perhaps Jane could introduce Veil to Solterra? 


Messages In This Thread
In the dark of the universe - by Veil Nebula - 02-20-2021, 06:37 PM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Jane - 02-21-2021, 04:15 PM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Veil Nebula - 02-21-2021, 05:16 PM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Jane - 02-22-2021, 11:21 AM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Veil Nebula - 02-22-2021, 01:22 PM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Jane - 02-22-2021, 07:27 PM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Veil Nebula - 02-23-2021, 08:11 AM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Jane - 02-23-2021, 05:55 PM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Veil Nebula - 02-24-2021, 04:08 AM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Jane - 02-24-2021, 08:49 AM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Veil Nebula - 02-24-2021, 09:01 PM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Jane - 02-25-2021, 10:34 AM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Veil Nebula - 02-27-2021, 02:42 PM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Jane - 02-28-2021, 03:45 PM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Veil Nebula - 02-28-2021, 09:12 PM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Jane - 03-02-2021, 10:42 AM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Veil Nebula - 03-06-2021, 11:47 AM
RE: In the dark of the universe - by Jane - 03-07-2021, 10:23 AM
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