Played by
Lunar [
Posts: 5 — Threads: 3
Signos: 0
Female [She/Her] | 16 [Year 496 Spring] | 17.3 hh | Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 19
| Active Magic: N/A & N/A | Bonded: N/A
"through the fire and ashes we stand."
With the changing of the seasons came another set of challenges. It wasn't as if Aska disliked summer, but the bright colours were a little harsh on her sensitive eyes - though the warmth on her coat was more than welcome.
The warm rays of the sun made the ache in her muscles a little more bearable, spurring her on to pick up a slow trot through the fields. Moments like these, where her worry and anxiety simmered to the background were rare, so she tried to hold onto this feeling for as long as she could.
Slowing down once she reached the river, Aska decided that now would be as good as any moment to take a little break and munch on the food she had packed earlier.
“speak” |
open to all. <3
08-09-2021, 07:05 PM