an equine & cervidae rpg
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Portal IC Event  - isn't it lovely.

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Played by Offline Lunar [PM] Posts: 2 — Threads: 2
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Dawn Court Scholar
Nonbinary [They/Them]  |  Immortal [Year 500 Summer]  |  14.1 hh  |  Hth: 9 — Atk: 11 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: Shadow Manipulation  |    Bonded: N/A

"through light and darkness we shall prosper"

It wasn’t often Kaelix found themselves outside and wandering once they found a place to stay. Yet the drive to learn more about the lands surrounding them brought a different path to choose from. It was about the time they stretched their legs from sitting around in books all day too.

They weren’t particularly looking for anything in specific when they set off, but the hot summer air did bring some nostalgia back from his homeland. This was weather Kaelix thrived in, it made the golds and oranges in their coat shine through, along with the brightening of their already strikingly blue eyes. While most would avoid doing much walking around during this time of day with how hot it was, Kaelix didn’t really mind it and even enjoyed it without even breaking a sweat.

While being used to the desert, the path their feet had chosen for them on their current walk couldn’t be more different with greenery surrounding every step they took. The forest did provide some shade for those needing it, but to their feeling it was just as hot – albeit more humid than outside of it – but it still did not bother them.

The deeper they went inside the lush forest, the more they focused on hearing and sight, taking careful note of their surroundings – pausing only once they arrived at a clearing that had a very strange aura surrounding it. From reading Kaelix had round out there had been portals appearing, and to their understanding this must definitely be one of those, even if it didn’t look all that different when they came closer and looked through it.

Their logical brain aggressively yanked their reins, telling them to go back – but the knowledge obsessed part begged them to go through, explore.

In the end the curious part won, and Kaelix took their steps through the portal.

“speak” | ooc: open!


Messages In This Thread
isn't it lovely. - by Kaelix - 08-12-2021, 02:50 PM
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