Played by
Lunar [
Posts: 2 — Threads: 2
Signos: 0
Male [He/Him] | 16 [Year 496 Spring] | 17 hh | Hth: 13 — Atk: 7 — Exp: 25
| Active Magic: N/A | Bonded: N/A
Applying Enchantment
Character receiving the Enchanted item: @Asterios
What item are you wishing to enchant? Accessory
Have you purchased the item you wish to enchant? No
-- If no: Part of the 3 free accessories
Have you purchased the Enchantment item as well? Yes
-- If no: n/a
Is the Accessories section of your character's profile filled out? Yes
Brief Description of the Enchanted Item: A small pearl inlaid in a band around his leg that suppresses his magic, only letting more power free once he is strong enough.
Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? No
-- If yes to staff-written: n/a
-- If yes to staff-written: n/a
-- If yes to staff-written: n/a
I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Enchanted Items. I understand that the staff will work with me through private messages if changes need to be made to what I wish to redeem. I am not able to mention the item in my IC posts until the staff have formally approved this redemption.
Signed: @fadedstarss
*** STAFF EDIT ***
fadedstarss / @
Asterios - Enchantment approved and added to records, as well as new enchanted accessory sent! You may write them IC'ly with their new enchanted outfit. +1EXP for gaining enchanted outfit.
*** STAFF EDIT ***
Member has declined quest.
09-12-2021, 01:37 PM
- This post was last modified: 09-19-2021, 03:34 PM by inkbone