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IC Event  - thunder on the walls || THE HUNT

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Played by Offline Kaiju [PM] Posts: 42 — Threads: 17
Signos: 215
Day Court Merchant
Male [he / him]  |  Immortal [Year 496 Summer]  |  19 hh  |  Hth: 18 — Atk: 22 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Heat Manipulation  |    Bonded: Enyo (Indoraptor)

when you're up there looking down

A hit .

Blood pours from the wound on the Teryr's belly , and down the horn , over his muzzle . It's a coppery smell , a sour victory . Short lived , he thinks , as his head jerks upward and attempts to drag his horn all the more through the beast's belly , to catch intestine , to hopefully yank onto bone . He wants to turn it inside out , string its guts along the canyon if he can do it . His attack is stopped short , by the wings that bare down on him and flap hard and heavy . As light as the bones are , that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when they beat against his sides , knocking the wind out of him , bruising down to his very lungs . He gasps , trying to drag in air and only pulling in sand from the fray , feathered hooves digging and moving , pulling him back and away .

Fuck .

Fuck .

He's becoming a little more disoriented , the air heavy with magic , grit , blood . His ribs ache ( one feels like it might be cracked ) , and he can't help but snap his jaws in irritation as he suddenly lifts his head up . He can see Israfel attacking , his ears falling flat at the rage of the Teryr as its wing snaps and it screams in some unholy form of pain .

Solis help me . The irony that he's offhandedly praying to the very deity he cursed is not lost on him .

Before he can plunge forward , he becomes aware of a frigid drop in temperature however . In a way that the sand his hooves have traction in is suddenly not sand , but ice , and he doesn't have the traction he so desperately needs to continue this fight . His legs spread slightly and he snarls in agitation , head lifting and turning to the side , blue eye focusing on the fish-like mare --- he'd met her before . Once upon a time . Below Zero , if he recalls , but he can't dawdle now . Not with bruises in his throat and anger in his veins , with adrenaline pumping away . Not with the way the ice is creeping over the land and down into his already raw lungs .

It hurts more to breathe , and he's sent into a coughing fit as his throat dries from the sudden drop , before pain explodes from his side . It had been raw before from the attack , but now it truly steals his breath , and he fights to suddenly catch his breath again , staggering along the ice in a near comical way , hooves sliding before he slams them down and cracks the ice in his anger .

Heat blooms and flares , and his body twists , facing toward -- toward the four winged one . Where the flare had been , the ice looks weak on the sands , and Leviathan plunges forward , leaping onto the weakened area and feeling the shattering under his hooves . Everything is painful with his breaths , his spine , but his entire body is running off adrenaline now as he turns , and he suddenly lunges forward , gaining traction and aiming for the Teryr .

There's a bloody wound on the beast's belly , but now Leviathan is aiming higher . It's weak , leaning to one side from the broken wing . He saves his breath for this run , his eye ablaze as the anger ignites and burns hot and heavy in his veins , scorching the pain to a level he can't register at the moment , keeping it low as he reaches the Teryr .

He rears , front hooves aiming for the beast's bloody front , and his horn aiming for one thing ; the animal's chest , putting all the force and momentum of his slide on the ice into it .

Summary: Since Bel's magic made the air so cold , Levi went into a coughing fit . The Teryr already weakened his ribs with a beating but he coughed so hard he ended up breaking one or two of them . He's very very angry rn at this stupid bird . His attack is he basically charged over where Sol had attacked , using the weakened ice to have traction and then rearing at the end , using his rather large height to get up to the Teryr's chest and just try to poke its heart . Just a little .


Messages In This Thread
RE: thunder on the walls || THE HUNT - by Faction - 09-22-2021, 09:57 PM
RE: thunder on the walls || THE HUNT - by Pangaea - 09-22-2021, 10:14 PM
RE: thunder on the walls || THE HUNT - by Tug - 09-24-2021, 08:04 PM
RE: thunder on the walls || THE HUNT - by Israfel - 09-27-2021, 10:04 PM
RE: thunder on the walls || THE HUNT - by Faction - 10-06-2021, 11:48 AM
RE: thunder on the walls || THE HUNT - by Pangaea - 10-06-2021, 10:07 PM
RE: thunder on the walls || THE HUNT - by Israfel - 10-11-2021, 09:04 PM
RE: thunder on the walls || THE HUNT - by Leviathan - 10-15-2021, 08:11 AM
RE: thunder on the walls || THE HUNT - by Faction - 10-18-2021, 06:26 PM
RE: thunder on the walls || THE HUNT - by Pangaea - 10-24-2021, 09:38 PM
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