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Worship  - presence.

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Played by Offline Lunar [PM] Posts: 3 — Threads: 2
Signos: 265
Night Court Scholar
Female [She/Her]  |  13 [Year 498 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 12 — Atk: 8 — Exp: 32  |    Active Magic: Telepathy  |    Bonded: N/A

It had been a good few weeks since her last visit to Caligo, her recent increase in work and the continued plaguing of headaches left not much time for her usual prayer. This is why Yvtala had decided to come up to Caligo properly on Veneror Peak. Not the brightest idea, she found out, when winter had started to get the land in its clutches. It however did not deter her from her goal. The trek itself went fairly uneventful, her thick mane shielding her from most of the cold until she found a spot she liked best and stalling out her worship items of choice ; consisting of a bell, a piece of black cloth and her black crystal.

Closing her eyes and bowing her head, Yvtala focused on centering her feelings towards her Goddess, banishing all other thoughts from her head and letting the air fill her lungs.

Veneror Peak had a certain… presence to it. It was hard to explain, especially to those who may not believe, but there were times like these where the air got heavy and it felt like you were on a stage speaking to the veil of the other side. It was here where many like her found connection with their god. While others might ask for things, Yvtala had no such need for that right now, she simply wanted to feel Caligo’s presence surrounding her and giving her strength once more.

“Caligo…” Her voice was soft as she spoke Her name, letting herself drift in the feeling.

@RandomEvents | speaks

Can't tag the Random Events account but ah well, welcome to all! She's just having a moment with Caligo. ♥


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presence. - by Yvtala - 12-13-2021, 03:08 PM
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