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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

All Welcome  - You'll Never Know

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 132 — Threads: 23
Signos: 6,637
Night Court Medic
Female [She/Her/Hers/We]  |  Immortal [Year 497 Spring]  |  15 hh  |  Hth: 32 — Atk: 28 — Exp: 70  |    Active Magic: Breath of Life  |    Bonded: Tiana (Soul-Spirit)

I'm tugging at my hair
I'm pulling at my clothes
I'm tryna keep my cool
I know it shows
If the fae was to be honest, this interaction had been odd.

More than just odd, there had been an air of discomfort that she was trying her best to obscure. This odd stallion had turned so vocal on his past was a point of confusion to a mare who felt it was none of her business, and more importantly couldn't understand why he'd reacted in such a way to her. To be fair, the majority of this interaction had left her feeling like she was unstable ground, completely perplexed in regards to what was happening!

As he commented on not believing she was a demon, she blinked slightly.

She still wasn't certain where such an assumption would have come from. And if she was being honest, the idea seemed so far-fetched, she wasn't sure how earnestly she should take his words. "I am relieved you have come to this conclusion." She replies, rather than voicing her confusion on the manner of speaking. But she sees his struggle when she tries to offer some reassurances to his suffrage of his past.

The grief he wears leaves her uncertain.

But at least he acknowledges the practice as one his people had followed as well. She doesn't verbally respond, however, instead merely nodding her acceptance to his words, once more wondering uncertainly where this entire meeting was going. Caelum had met many sorts in her time on Novus, but none as utterly perplexing as this man! When he spoke of Gods however, her muzzle snapped shut, not having words to say on this matter, not having the belief to offer. The very idea of some sort of deity leading another's life just seemed wrong. Your life was your own, was it not? So instead she nodded when he thanked her for her kindness, before blinking it surprise when one of the plants were picked, and twirled, and she shifts a step to the side.

"I am not so certain I have done anything to warrant your gratitude."

She sighs quietly, "Your contemplation were led by your own thoughts. Perhaps you just needed a reason for your mind to guide you in that direction. However, I best be taking my leave before it gets to late. I would rather make it back to Denocte before nightfall can settle. Have a good evening, Jarek." The fae stated with a bow of her head, skirting around him and beginning to make her way from the cave system, her glowing necklace providing enough light for her to follow the trail of flowers she'd left behind.

Notes: Okay I believe we can count this as closed then.

I'm staring at my feet
My cheeks are turning red
I'm searching for the words inside my head
art by bingo


Messages In This Thread
You'll Never Know - by Caelum - 01-11-2022, 11:16 PM
RE: You'll Never Know - by Jarek - 01-28-2022, 12:05 AM
RE: You'll Never Know - by Caelum - 01-28-2022, 01:24 PM
RE: You'll Never Know - by Jarek - 01-28-2022, 07:11 PM
RE: You'll Never Know - by Caelum - 01-28-2022, 07:53 PM
RE: You'll Never Know - by Jarek - 01-28-2022, 08:24 PM
RE: You'll Never Know - by Caelum - 01-29-2022, 05:25 AM
RE: You'll Never Know - by Jarek - 01-29-2022, 06:04 AM
RE: You'll Never Know - by Caelum - 01-29-2022, 06:33 AM
RE: You'll Never Know - by Jarek - 01-29-2022, 06:57 AM
RE: You'll Never Know - by Caelum - 01-29-2022, 10:20 AM
RE: You'll Never Know - by Jarek - 02-06-2022, 09:44 AM
RE: You'll Never Know - by Caelum - 02-06-2022, 10:47 AM
RE: You'll Never Know - by Jarek - 02-17-2022, 03:10 PM
RE: You'll Never Know - by Caelum - 02-22-2022, 05:07 PM
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