an equine & cervidae rpg
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All Welcome  - We always start with good intentions but lose ourselves along the way

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Played by Offline Briallu [PM] Posts: 14 — Threads: 4
Signos: 10
Night Court Citizen
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  16 [Year 495 Fall]  |  17 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: Clairvoyance  |    Bonded: N/A

She should have expected this: to have drawn attention to herself. After all if it was her she would have gone searching for the noise, and distressed being, too; but what she hadn't expected was someone so young. He was, essentially, a child to her who had found an ''old'' mare flipping her lid. Amusement passes over her for a moment, wondering if this was how she had looked at his age. A kind fresh face, looking ready to help someone else, fix their issues, and patch up a stranger. Was this what others had seen in Elysium? A simple kindness, curiosity, and concern. It's easy to hear the nicker as it bounces around the path in an echo, causing her to turn her head towards him with curled ears swiveling forward. Was it time for her to put on another face? Probably not given that he had just found her contemplating what would happen if she took a tumble down, and smashing rocks in front of statues. 

"You don't have to look so concerned, I have no intentions of throwing myself down a cliff right now. Simply...wondering how far the drop is." It wasn't a lie but it wasn't exactly a whole truth; she did have no intentions to take tumble down right now, she had wondered how far the drop is, but she had also wondered how much damage that drop would do. There's a small humming in her throat as she thinks for a moment, should she offer her name first? Ask a question? What should she do exactly? "I didn't expect anyone to be around here at this time, I apologize if I disturbed you." Yes, apologize. That was her choice, a fall back for her screaming, her disrupting those around her. "I am Io Kairavi though you may call me Io or Kai if you prefer." The golden mare gives a dip of her head in greeting to the young antlered pegasus in front of her. Her body still faces the cliff, her head however is turned to him. At least until she steps away from it and fully faces him, if she does that maybe his concern will lessen. She doesn't like causing distress to others to begin with but she's already in pain and in all honesty if she was distressing someone so young it would only hurt her more. Io wasn't going to be the one responsible for damaging a young soul with her own poisonous tendencies and thoughts.

Her pierced ear twitches and her head tilts slightly to the side in thought as she looks him up and down, making note that he matches her height and she doesn't feel like a giant for once. She's run into those shorter than her more than she's run into those taller and so it is a nice surprise for her. "May I ask how old you are? You look rather young." There's a tone of concern in her voice, from her own experience she remembers getting turned around more than once in new places and at younger ages. If she had to guess he was at least 11 years younger than her if you counted by the years she'd been walking around, but perhaps he was 7 if you went by her physical age.


Tags » @Liseli
Voice » Liv Tyler as Arwen
OOC » <3 I dunno if it'll help but for names with two the best way to tag is @'name name'

Roaming through this darkness I'm alive, but I'm alone
And part of me is fighting this but part of me is gone

Mild force & magic permitted within reason
Io's moon marking is on her left hip only and her burn scar on her right shoulder
I sing in Greek and I pray in Latin,
I ache in a language so old that even the earth no longer remembers; 
so dead that it has returned to dust.


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RE: We always start with good intentions but lose ourselves along the way - by Io Kairavi - 03-15-2022, 11:24 PM
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