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Private  - The start of something new

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Played by Offline EighthWonder [PM] Posts: 21 — Threads: 5
Signos: 1,990
Dawn Court Medic
Intersex [He / Him / They / Them]  |  8 [Year 504 Spring]  |  17 hh  |  Hth: 11 — Atk: 9 — Exp: 10  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A



As he walked quietly up the hill he figured the mare had chosen to join him in his initial motions. A small and rather coy smile crept across his face as he though of the moment before as she had mimicked his motions, specifically those of stepping closer. She confused him… so friendly, so out-there, and seemingly very talkative. She reminded him a lot of a certain someone now passed, in a lot of ways it was uncanny. It was a chance meeting at best, similar to before. Him alone and pondering his trivial thoughts of the natural world around him, then suddenly company. His musings of the mind were cut when he heard the mare speak of her true rank.

His assumptions had been right, no thanks to his observational nature, but to this degree he suddenly felt a little small. A Sovereign, he thought and quickly his mind raced to what facts he had learned about them. This itself was short lived as Uzuri released a small tear from her chocolate eyes. He halted his direction and turned back to her for that second. He didn’t know why directly, perhaps it was instinct, and it wasn’t usually his nature but he felt this type of primal urge to comfort her. He turned back for a moment and gently outstretched his head towards her, trying to brush gently across her ivory forelock. He didn’t know her world fully, but he did now what hurt looked like. It was but a moment as she began to finish her sentence, Envy? Of me? 

He could feel her bonded staring at him, but he tried to avoid direct eye contact with the maned wolf. He wasn’t uncomfortable, well maybe a little now that he’d let the physical components of comfort take him for a moment, but he also knew canines tended to dislike being looked at directly. He thought it best to try to break the friction he’d maybe created. Usually through humor but now all he could offer as he stepped back and half turned to the path he was going was some words, "You don’t have to wear the same mask Uzuri… times, the world, power…. It all changes all the time. This is the only true constant. If you were asked you were asked for as reason though I couldn’t imagine suddenly taking it all upon yourself. For one reason or another you were found worthy, the stress is like the wind. For the sake of living you should live your best life and others will follow."

He’d felt as though he was speaking from his own truth. Though it was his ultimate desire to know all, he’d be the first to admit that he didn’t. He could not fathom her stress and in all fairness he did not find her situation typical. He could see the pain in the slight tear, but the seemingly forced stability to not let it all go. To let the tears fall to the earth as if their saltiness would poison the very growth upon it. It was a sight he’d known. Something that had left him alone so long ago. The pressure to do, to be, for whatever or whoever others needed. He had yet to find his magic in this land but he knew if he could the genuine move in his emotions would have laid it all down for this mare. 

As she gathered herself, Liseli thought it best to leave his words at that as she responded to his next statement. This was his chance to let forth the light-hearted side of his true nature. He used it as he was, but now he also wanted to make her feel better too. He laughed gently and spoke in response to the healer comment, "Ironic that is. Well it seems if everything you said is true…". He trailed off for a moment and looked at the plush ground under him, "Perhaps I’d be more use to you there. I am not opposed, I go as I go. I come as I am needed."

Now as the two ventured softly up the slight incline, he noticed she checked her hooves. How nice he thought to himself, not everyone he’d met had the touch for the natural world. As he neared the location just down the back, he could see the small burrow opening. Twigs and tufts of brown hair sticking out for the slightly unsustainable location for a rabbit burrow being in a small opening a bit beyond the natural tree line. He slowed and adjusted his heavy hooves to lye as he was. Tucking his large copper blue -sheen wings he quietly gestured to Uzuri. In a whisper, "Look there, be still and they will come through."

It was not a direct sight, but just enough if one focused closely one could make out the soft little bodies within the hole. Four dust brown children tucked together like a jig saw puzzle in a warm nest. The only thing giving them away was the occasional youth twitches reminding them they were in the real world and no longer in the womb. He gazed at the babies for a moment and then back to Uzuri. Now he acknowledged her sentiment towards him. Again his body tensed internally as he’d not had any moments of compassion in a long time and he responded in a hushed tone but in a similarly carding way, "I’m… glad I met you too. Admittedly, though, I feel very strange around you. Please do not take that as a negative thing… I am just… he trailed off trying to find the words. He couldn’t find them in those seconds and turned instead back to the nest of bunnies seemingly un-aware that he’d even started speaking in the first place. 

"Speech" | TAGS:  @Uzuri |  NOTES: I’m sorry this took so long :(


Messages In This Thread
The start of something new - by Uzuri - 05-01-2022, 01:09 AM
RE: The start of something new - by Liseli - 05-02-2022, 01:02 AM
RE: The start of something new - by Uzuri - 05-02-2022, 03:28 PM
RE: The start of something new - by Liseli - 05-02-2022, 04:24 PM
RE: The start of something new - by Uzuri - 05-02-2022, 06:29 PM
RE: The start of something new - by Liseli - 05-12-2022, 03:08 AM
RE: The start of something new - by Uzuri - 05-16-2022, 10:30 PM
RE: The start of something new - by Liseli - 05-30-2022, 04:53 AM
RE: The start of something new - by Uzuri - 05-30-2022, 12:32 PM
RE: The start of something new - by Liseli - 06-02-2022, 05:13 AM
RE: The start of something new - by Uzuri - 06-02-2022, 02:43 PM
RE: The start of something new - by Liseli - 06-21-2022, 11:02 AM
RE: The start of something new - by Uzuri - 07-19-2022, 03:22 PM
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