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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

All Welcome  - A Different Kind of Prayer

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Played by Offline Mouser [PM] Posts: 34 — Threads: 10
Signos: 855
Dusk Court Soldier
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  10 [Year 501 Winter]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 12 — Atk: 8 — Exp: 10  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

One purple hoof in front of the other, Phoebe climbed upward along the path that led to the peak of the region's central mountain range, already feeling the exhaustion creeping in. Typically, she had been told, individuals made this dangerous pilgrimage with the intent of worship, and supposedly the destination at the summit was something of a wonder to behold: beautiful and awe-inspiring and otherworldly enough to draw one closer to the gods that presided over them. Phoebe had never subscribed to a religion before, and still wasn't entirely sure how she felt about the one that dictated much of life on Novus--though she did feel an easy sort of kinship toward Vespera, the patron of the Dusk and apparently her lookalike. But it wasn't worship necessarily that drew her toward the peak today. It was the journey.

Though perhaps "trek" was a more apt descriptor. The path she followed was dangerous with its precarious switchbacks and steep rises snaking across ledges that made Phoebe wonder just what it would take for the ground to crumble out from beneath her and send her tumbling to her death. Dangers aside, however, it was an excellent workout. Not only did it test her endurance to go as far as she could, but it tested her agility and strength in ways she hadn't been tested before. It was exhausting work and already she was feeling sweat beginning to coat her body, while her breathing became slightly labored. "Why did I decide to do this? she whispered to herself through an exhale, the expression on her face pinched with discomfort and the effort of pushing herself to continue. It would have been all too easy to simply give up, to settle somewhere upon the path, catch her breath, and take a leisurely pace back to the mountain's base and the Dusk lands beyond. It was so incredibly tempting, especially when she spotted a spot just ahead that would suffice quite nicely as a rest stop. Just a little break...

No. There was a reason she was doing this. It was all part of training. Two years--two years--she had stood back with only a longing to be a soldier of the Dusk Court, doing nothing to properly fit herself to the role. At last, Phoebe had voiced her desires aloud, to others who would hold her accountable, and she couldn't let them down. Uzuri. Aeon. They were counting on her, expecting her to put in some good work, and while neither were aware of her exercise today--at least to her knowledge--the little sunset mare was no less determined to show them that she was strong enough to fulfill her desired role.

But it didn't necessarily mean she had to like the work. It was with a loud, audible whine that she pushed past the rest stop she'd been eyeing and continued onward, quietly huffing and puffing and climbing her way to the peak. She sent up a silent prayer, flippant and joking at her own expense and expectant of nothing but a chuckle if any deities might be listening: Vespera...if you're listening...don't let me pass out?


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A Different Kind of Prayer - by Phoebe - 05-16-2022, 10:07 PM
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