because it's cold outside, cold outside, it's cold outside
because it's cold inside, cold inside, it's cold inside
The doe offers the best reassuring smile she could, her expression warm and reassuring as she notes those flames start up again. She knew as well as anyone what it was like for magic to swirl with out your control, thought she hoped those flames weren't harmful - particularly considering she wasn't just the Queen of these lands, but also held domain over the earth, and well . . . Fire tended to eat the greenery, after all. The sudden movement, had the doe turning her gaze towards the creature as it lept onto the back of the stallion, before smiling, at the stallion, "I have all the time" She responded with a kind smile, her head nodding at the offer, chuckling, "Probably best you let me make the pace, heaven knows I waddle more than I walk anymore." She replied, turning to start down the path, even as her muzzle brushed against her side, "I'll be grateful when this little one finally makes their way into this world. I'm not too fond of the extra weight, or bulk." Perhaps walking would help to continue to encourage that, as she continued to near closer and closer to her due date.
She perks her ears forward, glancing around, "So, obviously; this is the main walkway of Delumine, where the heart of our Court is. You can find all kinds of inns, and shops - though unfortunately a many of them are empty - a lot of individuals have made their way to other courts to peddler their wears lately. If you continue to follow this path, you'll see the large building up ahead, that is my seat of power here in Dawn." She pauses to take another street, turning to the left, and trotting her way forward, until a new building came into sight, "This is our library, filled with all kinds of books, and other bits of information - and a number of artifacts as well. When I married my mate, we had found quite the collection of interesting pieces of history."
She pauses here, her gaze following the different streets briefly to decide the best one to take, before turning to the right, and heading onward, the path carrying her towards the north, "The rest of Delumine is to the North East of the Court. The Rapax River cuts from the below the, separating us rather well from Dusk to the south - with Amare creek between the River, and Dusk itself - the creek is part of the non-court lands. The River continues, around the heart of Dawn Court, before up to the north, and separates Illuster Meadow to the west of the river, from Viride Forest to the east of the river." She stops on the outskirts of the township, pointing out in the directions, where one could see the distinct shapes of the meadow, the forest of trees, even where the water was whooshing from the rapids of the river. She turns towards the stallion, her smile kind, welcoming, "Do you have anywhere you'd like to know locations for in general? I know a generalized tour like this can't always provide all the information someone may wish to have."
show that you're scared like me so
Notes: <3
and i know you may be scared
and i know we're unprepared
but i don't care