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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Private  - Summer Time Baby

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Dusted with star matter and borne upon tides of nature, hers is the beauty of wild places.

Despite having found a home within Solis' walls, the mare could neither shed the mantle of wanderer nor stifle the urge to range through her adopted continent and discover what there was to be discovered. Indeed, the last time that she had left her beloved, sand scored court, she had found not one, but two sparring partners - a treat that she didn't expect to stumble upon, but hoped for despite the seeming rarity of such a gift. As of yet, the had trekked through the Viride Forest and followed the jagged line that made up the Rapax River until mists began to obscure her line of sight. Having scoured the old and cracked parchment maps of Novus that had been hastily pinned to the commons board, Eden had been confident that she could traverse the whole of the vast island with only a few missteps. 

Taking a deep breath and strolling further into the fragrant mists that surrounded what she was sure was the Amare Creek, the paladin felt a peaceful grin spread across her lips at her tranquil surroundings. She had heard rumors of the Creek, that it was a place designated for trysts and love, for the sweet moments that could be snatched between duties and for the soft words that could be whispered in the moments between heart beats. Loosing a sigh with a humming exhale, Eden felt the muscles along her rump, shoulders, neck, and chest loosen and relax - the sensation was a relief that the mare didn't know she had needed. Silently, she mused at the therapeutic opportunities of such a place and if it would have the same effect on her friends. A low chuckle rumbled up from the maiden's chest as she imagined suggesting a journey to Amare Creek to Leviathan or Bexley - she could practically see the wicked grin that Bexley would flash her just for shock value and the slight raise of Leviathan's eyebrows as he thought on whether the girl had an ulterior motive or no. 

The girl was just beginning to entertain the thought of Maxence's reaction to such a question when the sound of humming coupled with sniffling became apparent to her right. Slowing to a stop and swiveling her gold tipped ears, Eden realized that she had been so caught up in her own imaginings that she hadn't even noticed that she was almost upon the stranger - or strangers. Giving the air a careful sniff, the paladin decided that, no, it was only one creature. Turning toward the sound of clicking stones and hums, it wasn't long before the striped warrior discerned a shape through the mist and it was an even shorter time until the stranger could be made out clearly. Approaching with her skull lowered so as to be even with her muscular shoulders, the lass was sure that her proximity could not be ignored - the jingling of her bangles announced nearly every movement she made, and with the sound playing off of the water, there was almost no way that she would surprise the filly. 

Brows creasing, Eden noted the free-flowing tears that stained damp tracks down the girl's milk and honey cheeks. Slowing to a stop a polite distance away and to the youth's left, Eden watched the antlered girl at her work for a moment, amber eyes sliding over the growing pile of pretty stones and shells before breaking the relative silence. "Hello," came her soft greeting, "I'm Eden. Here, I'll help you - there are so many pretty ones, it could take you forever to sort them all." Lowering her lips to the pebbled shore and nosing through the various stones there, the paladin offered her own quiet hums to fill the misty air as she added to the lass' little cairn.


 @Maude Hello<33

Messages In This Thread
Summer Time Baby - by Maude - 09-08-2017, 09:14 AM
RE: Summer Time Baby - by Eden - 09-12-2017, 11:45 AM
RE: Summer Time Baby - by Maude - 09-18-2017, 10:38 AM
RE: Summer Time Baby - by Eden - 10-19-2017, 05:39 PM
RE: Summer Time Baby - by Maude - 10-24-2017, 08:09 AM
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