an equine & cervidae rpg
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Well at least one of us has cooled off. Don't think it's me. Oh no. I'm still hella pissed. But Damaris here, she's seemed to temper her fury. How, I don't know. Despite being free, seeing Reichenbach.... I haven't finished blowing off steam. (If you want to call it that.) Damaris keeps well behind me, because she's not a freaking moron. She knows better than to mess with me when I'm angry. Not that I would ever hurt her but I generally don't like to be touched or reasoned with when I can't think straight. I sense her wanting to say something and glance back at her with a withering glare. The silence between us grows heavier as she rethinks her plan.

Luckily I'm not quite so bad as to stomp like an angry child through the plains. (Speaking of which, how did I get here? I don't remember heading this direction.) I stop at the edge of a creek, staring at it's happy bubbling. Not staring - glaring. Why does it get to be happy when I'm so angry? A stupid thing to think of course, but I can't help myself; the thoughts come unbidden. But then I hear a sound to my left, and I look downstream to find I am not alone. (Though probably I am alone in all of this pent-up rage that refuses to leave my system.)

One of them I recognize. Somnus, the golden pegasus from Delumine, stands there appearing to converse with another... someone. I only heard the sound of his voice, not the words nor the intention. And I certainly don't recognize... well it's a strange looking horse. Huge, much larger than myself, and hairy as fuck. It reminds me of Beowulf from Helovia, except the hair is less all-over and more focused on the legs, fetlocks and... well that's definitely a mane. And a strange mask upon the equine's face. Curiosity bests my rage, and I walk toward them, trying a little harder to keep my hoofbeats less stomp-y. Damaris trails behind again, not getting too close to any of us and remaining silent. I let out an awkward snort in greeting followed by a gruff.. "Somnus... Hairy beast." What else do I call him? (Him? The scent is not definitive.) Not my best greeting but what the fuck do I care. I'm pissy.

WC: 392
Tag: @Ptolema @Somnus

Rosti thoughts | "Rosti speech" | Damaris mindspeak

more than a drunken fool
x - x


Messages In This Thread
glass memories - by Ptolema - 09-24-2017, 12:34 PM
RE: glass memories - by Somnus - 10-01-2017, 04:58 PM
RE: glass memories - by Rostislav - 10-01-2017, 06:32 PM
RE: glass memories - by Ptolema - 10-01-2017, 08:04 PM
RE: glass memories - by Somnus - 10-15-2017, 06:38 PM
RE: glass memories - by Morrígan - 10-16-2017, 12:34 PM
RE: glass memories - by Rostislav - 10-22-2017, 10:33 PM
RE: glass memories - by Ptolema - 10-26-2017, 04:52 PM
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