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Private  - Summer Time Baby

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Dusted with star matter and borne upon tides of nature, hers is the beauty of wild places.

Eden didn't realize that she was worried that she would scare the youth until the breath she was holding had been expelled form her lungs, a soft smile replacing the worried crease of her brow and the concerned purse of her lips. At first, the warrioress is quite certain that the girl would continue to cry, or possibly wail anew at the sight of a stranger, especially from the look that she gives Eden across the short distance, but instead, the lithe filly powers through her emotions and gives Eden her name - Maude, a pretty, rounded thing that rolled off the tongue with ease. 

A small flare of pride swelled the paladin's chest as she noted the girls' resilience; even if she did not know the child it made no difference to the warrior priestess, she was in a difficult place and she was showing strength despite that. Pausing for a moment in her rock-sorting quest and eyeing the antlers that sprouted from Maude's head, Eden wondered briefly of the girl had any sort of future on the battlefield. But, as the girl prattled on, all thoughts of future glory fled from her mind. With a low chuckle and a nod, the paladin pushed a forest green stone with a slight shimmer to it's surface toward her young companion, her reply echoing over the creek and onto the far bank, "They sure are. Maybe we can make a necklace or another antler ornament out of one for you." With another nod more to herself than anyone else, Eden thought back to stories that her mother would tell her of faraway lands and stallions with lanterns in their horns, guiding waylaid travelers to safety with their golden light. 

Looking up at Maude as she posed a question, Eden gave a casual shake of her wildflower adorned head, "No, I'm from Day - our realm is the boisterous brother to your sweet sister, but truthfully, I haven't made it there to visit yet. Is it as pretty as the books say?" 


*queue homage to Tilney<33 * @Maude

Messages In This Thread
Summer Time Baby - by Maude - 09-08-2017, 09:14 AM
RE: Summer Time Baby - by Eden - 09-12-2017, 11:45 AM
RE: Summer Time Baby - by Maude - 09-18-2017, 10:38 AM
RE: Summer Time Baby - by Eden - 10-19-2017, 05:39 PM
RE: Summer Time Baby - by Maude - 10-24-2017, 08:09 AM
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