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All Welcome  - that Queen is Mean

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Pan heard the girl’s song, and a grin spread across his face.  Whether her voice was that of an angel, or simply noise to fill the usually quiet glade, he was pleased to hear it.  Music always put a smile on the boy’s face, and today was no exception.  He pondered the words, wondering if she was telling the story of some fairytale maiden.  He liked the thought of that – and wondered if it was a story he’d heard before, making a mental note to find out more about the forest queen.  But, the words were cut short with a cry of pain, and the youth-turned-apprentice-caretaker spurred into action.

He’d been eager for some time to help someone with his remedial healing, and breaking through the trees, his emerald green eyes scoured for the source of the voice.  His vision skipped over a pair of rabbits scurrying in the grass, and a plump badger who was grumbling at the noise while digging a new burrow.  But then, he saw the golden girl in the distance, picking up the pace to make his way to her side.  Brow furrowed with concern, the boy walked around her to survey the situation, before asking with wide eyes, Are you alright?

The voice which escapes the immortal is a young one, with a boyish charm to the tone.  If he had to guess though, he wouldn’t place Maude much older.  She was certainly young and seemed as optimistic about life as he was.  Leaning down to look closer at her injured ankle, he questions the girl.  I can help you… I’m a healer now.  Could I wrap that for you? Nevermind that he was just learning and didn’t know if simply wrapping her leg would be enough, but it couldn’t hurt.

I’m Pan, by the way… and I don’t know that I’ve seen you before in the Dawn Court.  What’s your name?  While he makes idle chit chat, the boy digs in his satchel to pull out a loosely rolled bit of bandage, made from crudely dried plants.  Looking up at the girl, he waits for permission before applying the bandage, also fishing out a half an apple from his bag and offering it to her to help take her mind off of things.

Dawn Court
character © Firefly; html by castlegraphics; image by alexlibby


Messages In This Thread
that Queen is Mean - by Maude - 10-03-2017, 11:37 AM
RE: that Queen is Mean - by Pan - 10-22-2017, 02:47 AM
RE: that Queen is Mean - by Maude - 10-24-2017, 08:33 AM
RE: that Queen is Mean - by Pan - 10-29-2017, 02:45 AM
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