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All Welcome  - october kiss. [festival]

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A Delumine party was much more civil than the pounding, wild nights in Denocte - but it still set his merry blood thrumming, his enigmatic smile alight with joy and pleasure as he arrived. The Court of warmth and knowledge had been transformed since his last visit, decorated to celebrate the Harvest - welcoming hundreds of outsiders into their city of parchment for the first time since... well, as long as he could remember. He had come with the Crows, joking and laughing and teasing those he had grown up with, grinning at the taunts his orphans threw back at him, his booming laugh announcing their arrival to the bustling festival.

On entrance he had thrown a look over his shoulder, noting the mischief abound in his charges eyes - but what was he to do? It was how he had raised them, how they had learned to survive and to cope, his family of thieves and assassins that could not help but to perform and steal the things that caught their eye. He grinned, eyes flashing, then vanished into the throng of excited bodies. The Crow's would cause their own mischief, and he had a girl to find. 

Florentine had to be here - on the one hand, it made sense that the Dusk Emissary would visit the festival, pay her respects and so on... but in truth Reichenbach knew his beloved would be attending simply because she could not resist the pound of Denoctian drums. It was perhaps one of the reasons his eyes had never been able to leave her, watching the fluidity with which she moved and imagining the song to accompany it, the movements graceful and unbound. Florentine didn't care whether she danced with beauty or grace, she simply moved with the music, and captivated Reichenbach when she did so. 

He sought her out among the bodies, silver gaze flashing over face after face, seeking the one that made his heart pound and his blood thrum. The drums of Denocte followed him, laughter and merriness awakening as he passed. The Night King ignored the Dawn girls as their eyes lingered on him, ignored them as he never had before - he saw nobody else in the wake of Florentine. Still they stared, still there was a trail of meandering party-goers following him as he searched. 

He found her.

A broad smile swept away any concern that may have lingered upon his handsome brow, a lightness filling his chest and gurgling in his belly. It was the same every time he saw her, a rush of pride and happiness as he devoured her creamy skin and violet eyes, the waves of her honey-gold hair. Then something almost like fear that gripped him, the worry that she would leave, that he couldn't protect her. Regardless, she lit him up from the inside, warming his soul as he neared, ebony curls bouncing around his face as he pressed swiftly to her side. 

He pressed his lips to her neck, swift but intimate, fighting the urge to brush the line of her sharp cheekbone. He had been so engaged with Florentine that he had not paid mind to her company, now lifting his roguish grin to them. 

Aislinn looked as if she would rather be anywhere but there. Reichenbach's grin did not falter, for he refused to apologize for loving Florentine, would not allow her to see their love as anything but what it was. Yet... had Florentine not appeared at the Temple that day... It would be Aislinn that he treated so lovingly, Aislinn that he pressed his smokey lips to and Aislinn that held his tremendous heart. For the sake of normalcy, Reichenbach greeted his Champion with ease, his musical voice enticing and alluring despite the amount of noise around them.

"Aislinn, a pleasure to see you enjoying the festivities."

He followed the sentence with a warm smile, heat roiling through his muscular body as he did so. Then he turned to address the rest of the group, most of which he had yet to meet. There was Plague, whom the Night King knew was a new recruit of his own, then Pan and Ulric, distinctly smelling of The Dawn Court. Then there was that boy that pressed awfully close to Flora... Reich shifted closer to his flower girl, his mahogany shoulder dark against her creamy skin. 

"I'm afraid I have not met the rest of you, though congratulations on throwing such an excellent party"

He aimed his last words toward the two obvious Dawn Court members, warmth emanating toward their soon to be allies. 

ooc; bit shite but here's some Reich involvement!! @Aislinn @Asterion @Ulric @Florentine @Pan @BlackPlague

Messages In This Thread
october kiss. [festival] - by Aislinn - 10-19-2017, 10:23 AM
RE: october kiss. [festival] - by Ulric - 10-19-2017, 06:31 PM
RE: october kiss. [festival] - by Asterion - 10-20-2017, 02:04 PM
RE: october kiss. [festival] - by Pan - 10-21-2017, 03:58 AM
RE: october kiss. [festival] - by BlackPlague - 10-21-2017, 10:38 PM
RE: october kiss. [festival] - by Florentine - 10-23-2017, 03:14 AM
RE: october kiss. [festival] - by Aislinn - 10-23-2017, 08:31 AM
RE: october kiss. [festival] - by Reichenbach - 10-24-2017, 11:46 PM
RE: october kiss. [festival] - by Ulric - 10-25-2017, 07:16 PM
RE: october kiss. [festival] - by Asterion - 10-29-2017, 11:47 AM
RE: october kiss. [festival] - by Pan - 10-29-2017, 12:20 PM
RE: october kiss. [festival] - by BlackPlague - 11-15-2017, 05:45 PM
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