A scarlet wraith was she - drifting aimlessly, without purpose nor design, and to the mouth of the ocean she had sailed upon a high northern wind. She was absent of heart; it lay dormant, a sleeping dragon hidden within the cavernous hallowed hall of her ribcage. Who was she - the volcanic daughter of a merchant, embroidered with pretty scars, owned by the past and by a spectral man shrouded in her own ash and ruin - to wake it? Once more, Rhoswen had departed Solterra and only now had she begun to feel the waves reverberating from the desert - whispers and echoes of Maxence's death kissed her heels. She could not say she was surprised - he had been ambitious, but arrogant; a dangerous concoction in a world such as this. An absentee of the court, Rhos had chosen the open road over the weight of obligation, finding solace in the silence, in the freedom. But one cannot wander forever lest they wish to lose themselves to oblivion, and the girl was not ready for such finality yet. There was something, someone, tearing her back; ripping at her wanderlust until it lay only between her hands, broken and bloodstained - obsolete. So to Novus she had returned - sweeping by the sea as she journeyed north toward the arid kingdom of her house. The salt licked at her auburn curls, whipping them into a sanguine cyclone that danced above her forehead - she was a memory of her mother, a figment of the past if you did not look close enough. Rhoswen sighed, gazing out over the endless blue until the great nothingness of the ocean was all she could feel.
OPEN: rhos returns. she's all in her feels and shiz, open to anyone<3