Coraline didn’t know exactly what she was looking for. She knew she needed to find something…but she didn’t know what that was. And she didn’t know if she would know a miracle when she saw it. She had seen some amazing things – horses with wings and horns, the night sky on their coats, and birds that took shape out of rocks…but were those true miracles, or were those just a trick of the strange magic of the places she’d lived? What kind of miracle would sate her curiosity? She knew above all, having her Mew back would be more than she could ever dream of, but she also knew he was gone. Gone the way so many others were…like the dragon she wanted to save; that he wanted to save her from. She smiled at the memory. He had been a good friend. Coraline follows Only without hesitation, her button eyes struggling to see the uneven ground, occasionally tripping. She decided that perhaps, if she were able to ask a miracle from the gods, it would be to have clear sight. She didn’t care if she had button eyes…she just wanted to see what everyone else did. No more shadows and lights playing tricks on her; no more blurry outlines and maybe-outlines. Yes. That was something she would ask for, if she ever met any of the gods. The filly listens as Only speaks, offering what he would like in a miracle. But who, other than the gods, could take away Stephen? Who, other than the gods could give him the ability to travel like Flora? Who could save him from himself, if not the gods? Silence falls between them after he finishes, with Coraline lost in thought for a moment or two. ”But if you go back, you will make different decisions, and maybe take a different path. Maybe we will never meet.” She wondered if this was even a possibility, but she fretted anyway. ”And besides… you aren’t a monster. You’re different. We all are.” She reaches up and tugs his tail. The silver girl truly did not see Only as a monster. She never had. She knew he had his difficulties, but everyone did. Hers were simpler – getting over fears and worries and indecision. His were simply more complex. But if everyone had the same challenge, life just wouldn’t be as exciting. He spoke of not wanting to worry anymore, and though she was behind him, nodded. She could understand. Of course, they had different reasons for worrying about things to happen, but she could understand the concept. She was afraid to get too attached to anyone; as the only ones she had ever gotten close to left her, died, or betrayed her. Perhaps that was her life’s lesson – to love without abandon, without fear. To just give and give and see the best in others, no matter what they did to her. She hoped that one day, she would be able to find that one person who would be consistent. Maybe that’s why Only was here. She smiled again, a ghost of a smile tugging at her lips. ”What do you suppose we’ll find all the way at the top?” ”Speech” |
| Silver chain from the pirate siren | Blue Macaw feather in mane | |