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Played by Offline Sparrow [PM] Posts: 137 — Threads: 30
Signos: 1,020
Night Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  Immortal [Year 496 Summer]  |  16.1 hh  |  Hth: 32 — Atk: 28 — Exp: 85  |    Active Magic: Pyromancy  |    Bonded: Solaris (Phoenix)


’You’re troubled.’
Israfel gave a snort but did not look away from the setting sun upon the horizon, her expression that of a brooding foal. “When am I not troubled?” Anymore, it was a constant state of existence. Now? She still was, but even more so, and despite the ire brimming in her blood, she was exhausted. It was tiring, being upset and angry and irritated at the world, wanting and needing so much more but unable to discover how to find it.
Settled upon a low branch of the tree that the Warden had taken respite under, Solaris shuffled her mighty wings and gave a soft sigh. The Phoenix’s lavender eyes regarded her charge almost cautiously. ’Is it because Asterion has tasked you with the venture to Delumine?’
The Sun Daughter frowned. Was it? “No,” she started, the words sounding uncertain on her tongue, “At least, I… I don’t think so?” It was hard to say for sure.
When the majority of Terrastella had fled towards Denocte for shelter and assistance, Israfel and Solaris had stayed behind. They fought the storm together, remaining behind amidst the torrential rain, the landslides, the massive sinkholes, doing their job to tend to the land that they had sworn vigil over. Now? Now, things had begun to settle down. The rains had passed and their land was beginning to heal, but instead of continuing her duty of protecting Terrastella, Asterion had given her a new task. Traveling to Delumine with a select few to tend to the Dawn King’s frail son. It would be her job to look over the traveling party and protect them, and that was honorable in itself… Not to mention it would probably do her some good to get out of the Dusk Court. So why was she so irritated?
“At least maybe I could swing by and see Ulric again while we’re there.” The Warden of Delumine had been the only individual that she had conversed with during her brief stay in the Dawn Court, and he had been interesting in his own way. Something about him… Well. At least she had that to look forward to.
Upon her perch, the ivory Phoenix seemed to grin down at her chosen child. The large avian’s royal purple eyes were shining in knowledge, in knowing, and she dipped her head. ’Indeed, perhaps you could. Now, release your troubled thoughts and try to relax? Things are calming, Israfel. Don’t ruin this victory.’ Vermilion eyes flicked up towards the Phoenix for a moment, holding her keen stare before letting out a soft breath. With a ripple of gilded feathers, the Sun Daughter let her eyes, and thoughts, wander back to the horizon.


Please Tag Israfel in all Replies!


Messages In This Thread
the last of her kind - by Israfel - 11-27-2018, 02:37 PM
RE: the last of her kind - by Euryale - 11-29-2018, 05:52 AM
RE: the last of her kind - by Israfel - 12-10-2018, 03:51 PM
RE: the last of her kind - by Euryale - 12-31-2018, 04:36 PM
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