an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Interactive Quest  - Predator turn prey

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Played by Offline Staff [PM] Posts: 309 — Threads: 165
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Official Novus Account

More than a rat trapped within a cage

There is a rumble that seems out of place in the current setting. As if it belongs to savannah plains and desert heat, with tall grasses and trees so tall, you'd crane your neck looking up. The grumble is not pleasant, it is distressing, and it pulls at your heartstrings far more successfully than anything you've ever heard before has. It's like a silent call, a desperate plea of help - and you are powerless to ignore it. So you begin to weave your way through the vegetation as you search for the source that carves such distress in your heart.

How long are you wandering, you do not know, but the sound seems to either be growing further away or weaker. A need, a pressure in the back of your mind, urges you to walk faster—guides you to move, to hurry, to press forward. Something is upset, pained, needing your help - you mustn't dawdle, you must press on.

A box, holes drilled in appear to house a creature that cries into the darkness, angry, hurt, shaken up from a tumble of a merchant with shady dealings. Trapped in the confines, the young lion claws desperately to escape the crate he has been stuffed into - too small for his young adult form. The tumble had shaken him; however, his head pounding from where it had banged against the side when it came to rest against a tree.

Another pitiful growling yowl leaves his grand muzzle, trying to stretch out wings that are pinned to the sides of the box by his girth, attempting to break free of confines that keep him caged like some mere beast. His vision swims, darkening, and his cry splits the air again.

The cry is more desperate but louder, pointing you in the direction of the one needing your help, your assistance. Will you aid, will you assist, or will you ignore the cries for help that pull at your very core and the lightest of mental touches that urges you forward to the unknown? What will you do? You do not have long to make your choice.

The crying voice is already losing volume once again.

@Brassa stumbles upon a lion caught in a hunter or exotic wildlife trader's cage... hurt and injured. Will @Brassa choose to free Espoir? Everything within her tells her she should. 

Thread requirements: 1 reply, 500 words. Please tag the RE account in your reply.
How to tag this account: @*"Random Events" without the asterisk!

Once you respond, go to the Experience Updates thread to claim your quest EXP.

This quest was written by @Dyzzie! Was written before Brassa was deactivated ♥ 

To tag this account: @*'Random Events' without the asterisk.
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Predator turn prey - by Random Events - 04-16-2022, 02:13 AM
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