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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Private  - Why is my Arrow in your Shoulder?

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

The young doe was starting to really remember the joys of carrying around a Bow - and while she was still missing her beautiful druid staff, it was a few steps closer to who she used to be. A few steps closer to what she wanted to become again. And today she was eager to practice with the beautiful golden bow. She stood in the meadows, glancing around constantly to make sure no one was around (if she hit someone with an arrow, Coy would never let her live it down, and the flashy buck already teased her horribly for stabbing him on their first meeting). So far the field of vision (pun not intended, thank you very much) was clear and for that Callynite was grateful. She hadn't properly used a bow since she came across the portal to Novus, and before then it wasn't more than a back up weapon for when she needed to do something that her magic wasn't able to aid her in.

But now that she was with out her magic, she was determined to make sure she was well protected and capable of defending herself. Considering she was so much smaller than all of the other horses in the area (that she'd met thus far), as well as a good size for a quick meal from predators - Cally wouldn't rest until her bow skills had been refreshed and her draw and release time as short as possible. A Cally that was alive, would be a Cally that was fast. But she wasn't quite there yet. She still had a bit more of the meadow to cross before she'd be in a fairly open area where she should see someone approaching and able to holster her weapon before risking firing on someone. As she traveled, her keen eyes were watching the earth, noting familiar roots, plants or berries that mirrored the ones in her home world as edible; and always foraging as she went (for Cally had no intentions to be caught out on an adventure with out a meal on hoof), her magic would surround the edible items and lift them into her satchel, although one plump blackberry was plopped into her mouth before she could control herself. She wondered if it was her bitterness to Novus, and it's a cruelty in locking away her magic that made the berry taste less sweet than she preferred. 

There was indeed a bitterness that the doe felt for the land, however. Not for the horses, or the Courts, or really the terrain itself, but rather the magic of the island, and the Gods that had brought her here. Her druid abilities had been ripped from her, that connection to the land; and only a small form of the telekinetic abilities she utilized before remained. It had soured a lot of what Novus could have offered to the experienced explorer and druid doe. It was also chilling her heart, and filling her with a bitter twistedness that was shaping the doe to be something she hadn't previously. The former little doe who shied from attention and wouldn't dream of hurting a fly was being replaced by a doe who was more sure of herself, and more sure of her anger as well. And that firm pacifism was morphing into an acknowledgement of doing what needed to be done, at any cost.

Which leads us back to the bow the doe was determined to practice with. As she reached the area she had decided upon, she stood tall and immediately called her magic around the bow, causing it to glow green as it sailed through the air. An arrow soon followed suit, a green glow surrounding it as it was strung and notched into place, the bowstring drawing back with a well-oiled ease before she released the dull-pointed arrow that was purely for practicing accuracy. It had no sharp point, but it still flew in the direction she intended, lodging into the dirt. Three more followed suit in quick succession - but not fast enough. Her teeth gritted as she realized the problem - her basic telekinetic abilities were standing in the way. Unpracticed, she needed to work harder, build it up. Needed to make the motion one she could do in her sleep. Twenty more arrows flew through the area, landing in a large cluster around the original four. Too large of a cluster - another issue.

Cally trotted forward with a bouncy trot that for those familiar with her original species would be able to see the deer in. She didn't move like a horse, another piece of proof she wasn't. Her movements were graceful with the bounce of a deer. And she'd been known to bound away before as well. She was still a doe, even in a half-horse form, and that doe-like movements kept her graceful and bouncy as she neared the twenty four arrows on the ground. One by one they were lifted and placed back into her quiver before she returned to her starting point again - and the sequence restarted. Twenty four arrows were aimed at the same location. Twenty four arrows flew to that same location, one after another. Twenty four arrows were replaced into the quiver before the doe bounced back to her original location. Repeat. 

It wasn't until the sixth cycle that she saw the change - the arrows notably closer grouped together, and being grabbed by magic, strung and released a little faster. But she was also starting to breathe a little heavier as well from the exerted magic. It was at this point a sound behind her had the doe spinning on her heel at the worst time. The doe spun, cape flaring. The bow, with an arrow being released spun with her, and that arrow . . . that arrow, released from the bow sailed straight and true . . . . into the dark shoulder of a buck. Cally's eyes went wide, before she felt like squeezing them shut and hitting the ground in despair, Huehuecoyotl was NEVER going to let her live this one down! She'd shot someone! SHE SHOT SOMEONE WITH HER ARROW. Never mind the arrow had harmlessly rebounded off and was now laying in the brush and grass just past the stallion's flamed hoof.

It was at this moment the doe realized she had hit someone, and her eyes snapped back open and to the stallion, before she bounded over to him, her apologize already fumbling from her muzzle, both sets of ears pinned back and into her messy mane, her tail flared up in an obvious sign of her unease and apprehension regarding the situation, "Oh I'm so, so, so sorry. I was trying to keep from ever hitting anyone? Did I hurt you? Are you bleeding? Do you need first aid? Please don't tell me you're bleeding! Oh my gosh, I actually hit you, I am so, so, so sorry." The stallion hadn't said a word yet, merely staring at the doe with an incredulous look on his face, as if not understanding the concern over the situation. It, after all, had been a blunt arrow meant only for an accuracy and speed drill. The doe wasn't having any of that though, and continued apologizing . . . at least until her words died as she bounded closer and had to stare up and up and up and up and up and up to look at the stallion. As she stopped in front of him, her head was careened all the way back as she stared up at the impossibly large stallion that made her feel like a fawn again, "Gee, mister, you sure are tall." She stated suddenly, momentarily forgetting about the perceived (on her part) injury as she instead focused on his height. The shock only lasted a moment before her gaze drifted to his shoulder - WHICH WAS STILL HIGHER THAN SHE WAS TALL, "I'm so sorry again! I didn't mean to hit you, I swear. You startled me, and geeze you're big, and are your hooves on FIRE?! Please don't step on me!" And the doe bounded back a few steps before offering a hesitant grin to the stallion who looked somewhere between befuddled and amused - but trying to keep an emotionless facade, "Er, right, so uh, you're not hurt? Right? Er . . . and I'm still so sorry, so . . . say if a black, green and white stallion ever comes up to you by the name of Huehuecoyotl, can you please not tell him I EVER shot you with an arrow? Yeah?" Might as well have all of her bases covered right?

@Sol Bestiam - Slight Powerplay of Sol's expressions was approved by Chaosy before posting.

Let's jump on the sun and ride it to tomorrow together, where everything is brighter and sure to be better.

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 143 — Threads: 21
Signos: 0
Dusk Court Blacksmith
Male [He/Him/His]  |  Immortal [Year 498 Summer]  |  21 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 49  |    Active Magic: Solar Manipulation  |    Bonded: Telum (Dragon)

Sol Bestiam

"Oh I'm so, so, so sorry. I was trying to keep from ever hitting anyone? Did I hurt you? Are you bleeding? Do you need first aid? Please don't tell me you're bleeding! Oh my gosh, I actually hit you, I am so, so, so sorry." Sol stared at her in shock for a minute, more confused by what in the world the tiny creature was than by the poke with the blunted arrow. Shaking his head, he turned to look at his shoulder where she had hit. "Uh... No.. No blood. Um..." He paused and closed his maw before blurting out the words that threatened. He was clearly confused and shocked by the sight of her. She was TINY! The little filly... or at least he thought she might be a filly, didnt even reach his chest! Her horn could barely scratch his belly! Sol had never seen anything so tiny and he was not sure what to think of her.

"Gee, mister, you sure are tall." Sol flicked an ear in amusement at her exclamation and shook his head. "Am I tall, or are you just... undersized? I mean. I am taller than most, but I dont think I have ever seen a horse as small as you..." He mused as he dropped his head to see her more clearly. His head was almost as big as her! Sol was seriously beginning to have issues with being so massive next to so tiny of a creature.

"I'm so sorry again! I didn't mean to hit you, I swear. You startled me, and geeze you're big, and are your hooves on FIRE?! Please don't step on me!" Sol couldnt hold back the laugh that burst from his chest. "Yes... I think we have established that I am big. And as long as you stay where I can see you, I will do my best to not step on you. The flaming hooves... are a pain in the rear to put it bluntly. But they dont to much damage and the flames go out as soon as I move from where I am standing. Part of the reason that I try to stick to dirt paths or even paved areas. Less to light on fire there."

"Er, right, so uh, you're not hurt? Right? Er . . . and I'm still so sorry, so . . . say if a black, green and white stallion ever comes up to you by the name of Huehuecoyotl, can you please not tell him I EVER shot you with an arrow? Yeah?" Sol paused as he thought about the stallion she was describing. He had seen the obnoxious stallion, but hadnt spoken to him. "Is that your father, little one? Perhaps he should know that you are practicing with a weapon for everyone's safety. "

Notes: I needed that XD So much fun

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

There was a great deal of shock warping through the small body of the doe, her eyes worried as she seemed to take in the giant before her, hoping she hadn't done any serious damage. He himself appeared to be in a shock of some sort, before he seemed to shake himself out of it, and turn to his shoulder. Oh goodness, he wouldn't actually go into shock would he? She had no training as a cleric - no need for it! That had been another of her herd's job! Oh please, please don't let him go into shock. Finally he did seem to come to an answer for her, stating that their was no blood in a broken sentence with plenty of pausing. Was that a sign of shock? And then she realized that his confusion and shock wasn't at the arrow - but at her. Her eyes narrowed a touch, the start of a spark flaring up behind her green eyes, as if already starting to think on his train of thought. Oh, please don't let him think she was some foal out and about playing with her parent's weapon. Just because she was tiny . . . and he was . . .

A giant. Plain and simple, he seemed a thousand feet tall next to him, and when he spoke, she huffed at his words, her posture and body language instantly shifting to a more sassy stance, as she narrowed her eyes. "I'm not undertall, I'm fun sized." Her tone was haunting, her head held high and poised in a manner of regality. She huffed a second time when he spoke of having never seen a horse as small as her, and her doe tail twitched, her features twisting for a second as she straightened her shoulders faintly, squaring he stance a touch more, "Perhaps you've not see a horse like me, because I am in fact a deer - or, was before twisted in this half and half state." The doe stated firmly, her eyes narrowed just so on him as he dropped his head to look at her better. Really, she shouldn't have hit him, but come on - insulting her size AND calling her a horse in the same sentence - she should have hit him harder.

That thought did wonders for bringing her back down to a better level, and her stance loosened, apologizing again before realizing her had hooves aflame. When asking to not be stepped on (it was a legitimate concern! The size of his hoof could do serious damage here!!), the stallion had the nerve to laugh, cause her to raise a brow at him. Repeat - legitimate concern. He then stated that should she stay where she could be seen, he'd do his best not to step on her, although he did speak openly about the hooves on fire thing. Not much damage, flames going out - just careful not to start fires. Suddenly the little doe appeared into slide into research mode, glancing down at his hooves more directly, "How hot are they? Do you feel the heat? If they go out as soon as you walk away, is it only standing still that you have to worry about lighting a fire? Or can a fire blaze up while it's distinguishing after you've stepped forward? Are the useful in attack, or are they a cosmetic thing?" The amount of questions bubbling forth were met with earnest eyes that stared up in his face, before she tilted her head, "What happens when you step into water?"

Of course, when Coy was brought up, hoping that this fella wouldn't tell him about her slip up of striking him with an arrow - she was not expecting his response, and the doe sized herself right back up, her expression turning annoyed, "Little one? Father? Hardly. I'm four, thanks kindly. I'm certainly no fawn. And Coy is the bane of my existance because I accidentally sta-, er because he doesn't watch where he's going in caverns. I can certainly practice this weapon just fine, I'm no novice at it, at any rate. And lastly, I'm mostly deer, we tend to be built far different from you horses, the prime characteristic being a much smaller stature, so I'd thank you kindly not to mistake me for a foal again." She declared with a strong infliction to her voice - her head held high, and silently blaming all of this on Huehuecoyotl.

@Sol Bestiam - Sol confuses her for a fawn, calls Coy her father - and she blames it all on Coy. xP

Let's jump on the sun and ride it to tomorrow together, where everything is brighter and sure to be better.

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 143 — Threads: 21
Signos: 0
Dusk Court Blacksmith
Male [He/Him/His]  |  Immortal [Year 498 Summer]  |  21 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 49  |    Active Magic: Solar Manipulation  |    Bonded: Telum (Dragon)

sol bestiam

"I'm not undertall, I'm fun sized. Perhaps you've not see a horse like me, because I am in fact a deer - or, was before twisted in this half and half state." Sol was not sure what to make of her and her comment. He had seen deer... but none that looked like her. She had a multi-hued mane like a horse, but a tail like a deer... and two sets of ears... and a horn like a unicorn... yeah... nothing like any deer that he had ever laid golden eyes upon. "I will have to take your word for it. I have never seen a deer like you." He replied, eyes wary as he watched her and tried to figure her out.

"How hot are they? Do you feel the heat? If they go out as soon as you walk away, is it only standing still that you have to worry about lighting a fire? Or can a fire blaze up while it's distinguishing after you've stepped forward? Are the useful in attack, or are they a cosmetic thing? What happens when you step into water?" Sol coughed as he listened to her ask millions of questions with seeming little air in between, doing his best not to laugh. "It is rather hard to answer questions when asked in a jumble of words..." He laughed, body relaxing as he realized she was no danger to him. At least... unless she shot him again. Then she might be dangerous. "First, they are as hot as flames... I have no idea how to measure that. Second, the heat is less intense for me... but that could also be thanks to having them for as long as I can remember and being used to the temperature of the flames. Third, I have never actually started a fire. Well... no more than a few small flames that are quickly gone." Sol paused and took a breath before launching into answers again. "Fourth... They are mostly cosmetic. I have found no use for them in battle. There have definitely been times when it could have been more useful, but never times where they actually came in handy. Finally, regarding water..." Sol shook his head. "I tend to avoid water any deeper than my hooves... so it usually just steams around it and evaporates. Deeper water warms up... but it seems to be limited to just the area directly around them... I have never went swimming so I couldnt tell you what would happen then." He paused there, mentally reviewing the questions to make sure that he had answered them all. With a slight nod, he focused back on her and listened as she started another tirade.

"Little one? Father? Hardly. I'm four, thanks kindly. I'm certainly no fawn. And Coy is the bane of my existance because I accidentally sta-, er because he doesn't watch where he's going in caverns. I can certainly practice this weapon just fine, I'm no novice at it, at any rate. And lastly, I'm mostly deer, we tend to be built far different from you horses, the prime characteristic being a much smaller stature, so I'd thank you kindly not to mistake me for a foal again." Sol had the decency to look chagrined at her lecture. "I apologize. I did not mean to offend." He said gently, golden eyes once again upon her face. Accidentally sta... sta? "You accidentally did what to him?" He asked with an incredulous look on his face. If she said what he had a feeling she had cut off... he might die of laughter.

Notes: -giggles-

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

She was likely making little sense to the male, and she huffed at his wary expression when he commented on never seeing a deer like her. Yeah, she probably could have explained it better for sure, "Right, I guess not . . . " She grumbled with a huff, tilting her head, before choosing to explain better, "I came to Novus through a portal - and the magic of Novus . . . had a physical effect. Before all of that I looked for more deer-like, well the deer of my world that. But I guess Novus's magic wanted only horses, and I somehow got caught in the middle between the two." She explained, "If it helps, just call me a hybrid or something." She stated with another shrug - hardly worried about what anyone said or assumed on her appearance. To herself, she was a doe, always would be, no outside magic would ever change that fact.

Of course than topic changed to his feet, or rather the flames attached to his hooves. She tilted her head in eagerness to hear his responses before rolling her eyes when he laughed at the abundance of questions fired at him. Shrugging it off when he commented about it being hard to answer when they are jumbled together. But he does answer, explaining they are hot as flames but not knowing how to measure the heat. She kept quiet, but a calculating look entered her eyes at ways to measure it. He answers everything else - that he doesn't seem to worry about the heat - possibly growing used to it, and having never started a fire. He spoke then of avoiding deep water, tending to do no more than have it steam around him. As soon as he stopped speaking, she jumped forward with ideas, "You've never thought to see just how hot? What is effected by the flames? I assume you scorch grass and branches - but what about rock? Does sand turn clear and hard when you walk on it?" She asked eagerly.

And then he'd caused a bit of an issue by assuming her gender, and Huehuecoyotl's part in her life. His expression showed his reaction to her speech, and he seemed honest when he apologized and she accepted it with a nod only to draw back at his next question. She sputter a bit, "Er, well, you see . . . . I . . . . it was his fault, okay! I mean, what thick headed buck, er stallion; stands in the middle of a totally dark tunnel - especially one almost completely black! And it's not like I full on stabbed him! It was more of a flesh wound! Totally not my fault!" She stated firmly, eyes narrowed as if challenging him to disagree. It was NOT her fault she'd stabbed him. Not one bit.

@Sol Bestiam

Let's jump on the sun and ride it to tomorrow together, where everything is brighter and sure to be better.

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 143 — Threads: 21
Signos: 0
Dusk Court Blacksmith
Male [He/Him/His]  |  Immortal [Year 498 Summer]  |  21 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 49  |    Active Magic: Solar Manipulation  |    Bonded: Telum (Dragon)

Sol Bestiam

"Right, I guess not . . .  I came to Novus through a portal - and the magic of Novus . . . had a physical effect. Before all of that I looked for more deer-like, well the deer of my world that. But I guess Novus's magic wanted only horses, and I somehow got caught in the middle between the two. If it helps, just call me a hybrid or something." Sol listened, taking in the explanation with little response. Novus was a strange land, so her story didnt shock him too much. Just looking at the strange goings on with the island was enough to tell him that. "I am certain that calling you by your name would be easier than trying to figure out a name for what you have become. I am Sol." He said warmly, golden eyes twinkling as he watched her. Now that the initial amusement over being hit with a practice arrow had dissipated, he was much warmer and happier to get more acquainted with the deer... hybrid... adorable creature.

"You've never thought to see just how hot? What is effected by the flames? I assume you scorch grass and branches - but what about rock? Does sand turn clear and hard when you walk on it?" Sol eyed the little creature for a moment, amused by her fascination with his hooves and the magic around them. "Hmmm... Plant matter scorches, yes... Stone tends to darken, but no actual fire that gets left when I move. Dirt is the same way. Sand has never turned clear... that I have noticed at least. But I also dont have a tendency to stare at the areas around my hooves as I walk... That is an easy way to run into things." He teased with the last sentence, eyes molten with amusement as he shuffled his twin wings and shook his head.

"Er, well, you see . . . . I . . . . it was his fault, okay! I mean, what thick headed buck, er stallion; stands in the middle of a totally dark tunnel - especially one almost completely black! And it's not like I full on stabbed him! It was more of a flesh wound! Totally not my fault!" Sol lifted his head a touch and gave her an incredulous look. "Uh huh.. " He drawled, eying her with a smirk. "It was completely his fault. He totally knew that he was in the way and would be at risk of being stabbed and did it anyway. Completely his fault. There is no way that such a tiny and adorable creature like you would ever stab a stallion on purpose..." Yep... He liked her. She was cute and sassy and his own sarcastic sass was starting to emerge from under his grumpy facade.

Notes: -snorts-

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

Cally was starting to think that with the amount of time she had been taking in conversations to explain what she was, she was starting to think maybe it was time to just wear a big sign 'I know - I look strange - I'm an adult and a hybrid' even if she preferred to think of herself as a deer (it was what she'd been all her life after all). She tried to explain it to the much larger stallion (seriously, what was this guy fed when he was a fawn - er, Colt). When the stranger told her that calling her by her name would be better, and easier than figuring out what she'd become and then introduced himself, she couldn't help but laugh, nodding her head in acceptance, "Sounds like a plan then. Nice to meet ya, Sol! My name's Callynite, but please call me Cally." She stated, grinning back at him with mirth before being absorbed in curiosity over his hooves.

The magic of this world had her fascinated - she came from a world of magic herself, but the magics were much different from one another. And his hooves were a prime example. No one on her home world had anything remotely similar to this. "Scorches plant, darkens stone - but no real fire left behind! How curious!" She gushed, staring at them with her eyes calculating, already silently whipping up a multitude of tests. Did they brighten the world - could he use them as a means of wayfinding and seeing in dark places? Not hot enough to turn sand clear, but enough to scorch plants and stone. How curious indeed. She didn't have time to bring up suggestions before she had to quickly defend herself from Coy's inability to find decent places to nap. Sol's epression turned incredulous, a smirk on his face. But she hardly cared about a majority of his words, he said the magic words It was completely his fault.

Cally grinned, eyes dancing, "Yep," She drawled out, pooping the P No less, "completely and utterly his fault, I'm far to sweet to ever purposely stab someone - even if he might deserve it time to time. Not me, never me. I'm simply an angel. Next time you see his obnoxious hide, you mind telling him that too, just for a bit of belated justice at being wrongly accused of 'marring' his 'perfect' hide." She added with a sweet smile, as if she wasn't actively plotting against Coy - because she was tiny and adorable and never the wrong-doer. Ever.

@Sol Bestiam

Let's jump on the sun and ride it to tomorrow together, where everything is brighter and sure to be better.

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 143 — Threads: 21
Signos: 0
Dusk Court Blacksmith
Male [He/Him/His]  |  Immortal [Year 498 Summer]  |  21 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 49  |    Active Magic: Solar Manipulation  |    Bonded: Telum (Dragon)

Sol Bestiam

"Sounds like a plan then. Nice to meet ya, Sol! My name's Callynite, but please call me Cally." Sol chuckled. "The... unexpected... pleasure is all mine. Never thought I would be glad to be shot with an arrow." He winked at the tiny creature before him as he grinned. Yep. Those were words that were never even thought before today. He had a feeling that Cally would make him say many things that he would have never uttered otherwise if he stayed around her for long. At least he hadnt started using Bel's fishy terms yet... Imagine, his big flaming self using aquatic terms. The looks he would get would be hysterical.

"Scorches plant, darkens stone - but no real fire left behind! How curious!" Sol shook his head and laughed again. She was amusing when fascinated by something. Her attention was fixed on his hooves when usually his double wings got more attention. The thought of his wings made him reflexively stretch and re-tuck them. It was something that he did when he was thinking too much and this little creature was making him really consider the damage that his hooves could do. A small part of him wondered if there was a way to get rid of the flames... but another enjoyed them. "They are definitely something. I must say, you are the first one to take such a pointed interest in them and how the magic works. Usually it is 'You are huge!' or 'How many wings does it take to fly when you are that big?!' and those get obnoxious quickly." He laughed, shaking his thick mane.

"Yep, completely and utterly his fault, I'm far to sweet to ever purposely stab someone - even if he might deserve it time to time. Not me, never me. I'm simply an angel. Next time you see his obnoxious hide, you mind telling him that too, just for a bit of belated justice at being wrongly accused of 'marring' his 'perfect' hide." If Sol had possessed eyebrows, he would probably be raising one of them as he listened. Instead, he flicked back an ear and smirked at her sassy words. "I will have to remember that for next time. Any stallion that could irritate such a sweet little thing is clearly no good for the world without as much sass as possible." He drawled with a barely withheld chuckle.

Notes: -snorts- I love Cally so very much. And now I can totally imagine Sol randomly using Bel's fishy phrases without realizing it.

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

The feisty little doe was definitely happy to meet new individuals, anyone really who could be described as a potential future friend: such as this very, very large male. She tilted her head to the side, her forelock briefly falling into her emerald gaze at his words, unexpected... pleasure now what was that supposed to mean?! She huffed, "Ya know, you could have just said that it was a pleasure, no need to throw in that unexpected." She huffed in jest, pulling her muzzle into a faux pout even as the corners twitched with the echo of a smile. "Well, not to many can imagine the pros and cons to arrow shooting in general, so of course you'd have never imagined being glad for the arrow shot. I'm just glad it didn't do more than surprise ya! Could have been nasty if it had been tipped." Now that would have been an awkward conversation -Sorry about the arrow buried in your shoulder, didn't know you were around. Does it hurt? Er, don't pull it out, we don't know how deep it is, or what it cut into. Say, have you always been unable to use that leg properly?- Yes, thank goodness she didn't practice with the tipped ones. For this very reason no less.

Of course the topic of his unique hooves could easily pull her attention elsewhere, the doe was simply to curious by the oddness of his hooves, needing to dissect the situation, find out the why, the how, the what ofs. She tilted her head as her ears perked forward in eager curiosity. Cally grinned with a shrug, "Where I come from, your wings wouldn't really cause much of a start. I've seen a few with an odd assortment of wings. The hooves are another matter tho. And we already covered the fact you're taller than a tree, so no need to bring that into detail. No there's far more about your hooves that can be exciting and needing to be debunked. Like if different places and situations could produce different responses. Or ooh, weather! Can you melt snow, thaw ice? Is it the sort of thing that trotting through a puddle could boil it! WHAT ABOUT THE OCEAN! DO YOU KNOW HOW COOL IT COULD BE TO BOIL THE OCEAN!" Okay, it might not be a good idea, but it'd be cool - and that outweighs the not-cool aspect of it!

The little doe had a very strong opinion about the multi-hued, dramantic stallion she'd stumbled upon a fair few times - a very vocal and strong opinion (a lot of which was just words to hide the fondness she was developing, not that she'd ever admit that unless under extreme duress). But to hear someone state they'd speak on her behalf - even if his words were mostly, and clearly, said in sarcasm and sass, she couldn't help but doing a half-way little giddy trot in place. "Oh yes, please tell him all of that, especially the part about him being no good for the world. If you can imagine to comment on his need to primp himself being a touch on the feminine side as well that'd be just lovely." She added, almost as an after thought, imagining the halo above her large dear ears, and not for the first wondered if her doe horns were really just demon horns that had been sanded down from points. Luckily for the obnoxious stallion in question, Coy really did hold a soft spot in her heart even if she didn't openly show it.

@Sol Bestiam

Let's jump on the sun and ride it to tomorrow together, where everything is brighter and sure to be better.

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 143 — Threads: 21
Signos: 0
Dusk Court Blacksmith
Male [He/Him/His]  |  Immortal [Year 498 Summer]  |  21 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 49  |    Active Magic: Solar Manipulation  |    Bonded: Telum (Dragon)

I need someone who sees the fire in my eyes
And wants to play with it...

Sol snorted as she spoke, imagining the damage that the arrow could have done if it had been a full arrow rather than a training one. A shudder escaped his control and he had to take a moment to stretch and realign his double wings. "The thought alone of a tipped arrow is painful... I am very thankful that it wasnt this time." He laughed, shaking his massive head.

Sol shook his head and laughed as he listened to the little doe. "Snow does melt when touched, as does ice, though much more slowly. Trotting through a puddle has never caused it to boil and I have never touched the ocean." Just the thought of entering the depths of the ocean made him want to take to the skies. Sol had never learned to swim, nor did he really want to try now. "And I havent reached full tree height yet, I am still a growing colt." The 21 hand stallion winked and laughed as he spoke. 

Sol couldnt contain the laughter that bubbled from his chest. "I will be sure to tell him that you think he is feminine and obnoxious as well." He winked as he responded, his laughter nearly making his words inaudible. He had a feeling that her almost overtly strong disdain for the stallion made him wonder as to her true feelings for him. Did the little doe have strong feelings for the stallion? Was it reciprocated by the stallion? Was he witnessing the starting of a relationship between the two?

Notes: <3

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