an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Private  - Memories ,:Mesnyi:.

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Played by Offline Lullivy [PM] Posts: 225 — Threads: 37
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Night Court Sovereign
Female [She/her/hers]  |  15 [Year 496 Spring]  |  15.3 hh  |  Hth: 3 — Atk: 3 — Exp: 51  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Picoro (Sloth)


She could feel it coming on. She had had so many good days in a row, where the body only ached slightly, and she was able to eat a decent amount without nausea swirling in her stomach. But all good things must come to an end.  There was a fatigue washing over her, slight waves of dizziness every so often. But it wasn't enough yet to keep her down, she wanted to see as much of Novus as she could first.  She wandered through the swamp for a time, exploring the parts she had yet to see. Picoro was not with her, as he had gone on his own journey through the branches. The swamp was good for him.

After an hour or so she began to hear the bubble of water through rocks, and she stumbled upon a creek. The scene before her was stunning. shallow water twisted and weaved through rocks that poked just above the surface. Moss lined each side, creating a soft cushion beneath her hooves. Bird song rose above it all, and together it was a symphony of nature ringing through her ears.  As she stood listening she was hit by a sudden wave of fatigue and dizziness. She dropped her head, waiting for it to pass.  She lowered herself gently onto the soft moss, partially wondering if her walk had been a bad idea. 

She lay quietly for a few moments letting the afternoon sun warm her pelt. Eventually, her eyes began to flutter shut, and she felt herself drifting into sleep. The dream was pleasant at first. She walked through a field filled with willow trees, flowers falling behind her, the petals forming in her mane. Her mother and father walked behind her,  talking quietly about kingdom affairs. Incoming shipments, trade with some other far off kingdom. The standard day to day nuances of holding the throne. She could see Herstial up ahead, blurred against the horizon.  Petals stopped coming from her mane as entered the shadow of a tunnel. As she emerged, she was struck with horror. Flames danced before her eyes, great billowing puffs of smoke rose up into the air, burning her eyes, her lungs. In the midst of it all, a great black monster made of shadow loomed over the terror below.  She ran towards the flames,  the sounds of screams and thundering hooves filling her head. Fire seared her skin as leapt into the flames. 

She woke up breathing hard, pain searing through her head. She should have gone back to the swamp sooner. She lay still for a few moments with her eyes closed, still reeling from the nightmare. It had been nearly six years, and yet she still dreamed so vividly about that one day. A film of sweat covered her skin, though she shivered. Slowly she opened her eyes doing her best to ignore the pain that accompanied the action. She was surprised and dismayed to see that the sun was beginning to sink below the horizon. Turning her head, through bleary eyes she saw a figure in the near distance. She hauled herself to her feet through labored breaths. She didn't know who this was, what their intentions were, and she had no intention of letting them see her sunken on the ground.  Her body shook with the effort, and she did her best to still it, and look poised. She drew her head up as much as she could manage, trying to appear as normal as she could, though the effort was rather futile. 


Table © Camy


Played by Offline Muirgen [PM] Posts: 69 — Threads: 12
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Dawn Court Entertainer
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  14 [Year 497 Spring]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 12 — Atk: 8 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

dancer on the dawn

Mesnyi did not expect the lump in the distance to move. It did, though, rising on shaking, spindly legs as a new-born foal or a rabid creature very close to death. She approached slowly, the flesh-and-charcoal colored mare coming into focus, though her ribs stuck out far more than her coloring. Mesnyi, of course, was the picture of feminine health; she was all lithe muscle and lavender shimmer. She was not, however, a doctor, and she was certainly not prepared to defend herself against a slobbery kelpie or some other nightmare creature. When she finally grew near to the stranger, she thought perhaps she had been mistaken - the girl was only feverish.

”Are you in need of any help, miss?” she asked, coming up close to Luvena, but not inappropriately so. ”You seem rather ill.” She shifted the violin case on her shoulder nervously and leaned in, just in case the mare was too weak to speak.


@Luvena sorry this is super short!!

"You see, women are like fires, like flames. Some women are like candles, bright and friendly. Some are like single sparks, or embers, like fireflies for chasing on summer nights. Some are like campfires, all light and heat for a night and willing to be left after. Some women are like hearthfires, not much to look at but underneath they are all warm red coal that burns a long, long while."

[Image: 26y3cfu.png]
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Played by Offline Lullivy [PM] Posts: 225 — Threads: 37
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Night Court Sovereign
Female [She/her/hers]  |  15 [Year 496 Spring]  |  15.3 hh  |  Hth: 3 — Atk: 3 — Exp: 51  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Picoro (Sloth)


The woman who appeared before her seemed almost ethereal in nature. Though Luvena knew better than to attribute such a trait to anyone without reason. Afterall, Heretic was a god. and yet he looked a fool.  Nevertheless, she could say one thing for certain. The mare before her was beautiful. She wondered for a moment if she was really, or simply a delirious fever dream. White hair that draped around her neck. framing slender shoulders and a dipped face.  Some sort of case was slung across the womans shoulders.  She watched as the mare spoke, looking for any indication that she could be a threat, though she saw none. 

"I'll be fine" she replied, though she was already sinking unceremoniously back to her knees as she spoke, having determined the mare meant her no harm. "I just need to rest, until I can go back to the swamp" she laid her head on the ground for a moment. before gesturing to the case that laid across the womans shoulders. "That's rather oddly shaped? whats in it?"

Table © Camy


Played by Offline Muirgen [PM] Posts: 69 — Threads: 12
Signos: 5
Dawn Court Entertainer
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  14 [Year 497 Spring]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 12 — Atk: 8 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

 Mesnyi’s eyes widened as the mare sunk to the ground. She didn’t look fine. She wasn’t certain at first that the mare ought to be going to the swamp - so humid, and full of strange beasts! - until she supposed that she must mean the hospital. Or so Mesnyi hoped. She did her best to sound cordial when she said, “Oh. Well, if you say so. I’ll wait with you, if you don’t mind.” She glanced at the ground before laying beside the stranger, tucking her hooves in and curling her long tail about her.  She smiled at the woman’s question. “My violin.” She opened the case, ever eager. 

The glass violin floated out before her with its bow, placed so the sickly mare wouldn’t have to strain to look closely. “Would you like me to play something? I know a rather soothing piece that I learned in a land where all the birds flew upside-down.” She glanced away. “Or something like that.”



"You see, women are like fires, like flames. Some women are like candles, bright and friendly. Some are like single sparks, or embers, like fireflies for chasing on summer nights. Some are like campfires, all light and heat for a night and willing to be left after. Some women are like hearthfires, not much to look at but underneath they are all warm red coal that burns a long, long while."

[Image: 26y3cfu.png]
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Played by Offline Lullivy [PM] Posts: 225 — Threads: 37
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Night Court Sovereign
Female [She/her/hers]  |  15 [Year 496 Spring]  |  15.3 hh  |  Hth: 3 — Atk: 3 — Exp: 51  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Picoro (Sloth)


She let a soft sigh escape her as the mare said she would stay. She closed her eyes, nodding gently as the mare laid down. She opened them again as the mare answered, perking her ears curiously at the instrument in question. “I’ve never seen one before” she murmured in reply. They had had instruments in Herstial. Mostly soft winds and percussions. Willow branches arranged on a thicker branch, that one would drag a pine branch across, to mimic the sound of the branches swaying in the breeze. Flutes made of reeds and hollowed out cattail stems. Drums made of hare hides stretched over bowls of dried clay. Sometimes they would beat them with stones, other times they would whip or drag strands of hair across them.  
Nothing so finely crafted as this, with strings stretched across a delicate glass body. 

She laughed softly “we, had a song like that back home… back in Herstial. Except our was about a river where all the fish swam backwards, and the rain rained up instead of down. I would love to hear it” she replied softly. “I’m Luvena, by the way. From dusk” 

Table © Camy


Played by Offline Muirgen [PM] Posts: 69 — Threads: 12
Signos: 5
Dawn Court Entertainer
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  14 [Year 497 Spring]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 12 — Atk: 8 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

carnation, lily, lily, rose

Mesnyi kept her gaze on the mare, as would be appropriate for a focused conversation, but worry braided itself into her mind. She acted her very best. “Ah! They don’t have them in your world, then? They seem to be strangely common, here. I did not expect it. One must wonder at their origin.” The stranger spoke of a faraway land then. She so did love to hear about foreign music (but what was foreign to her? Was the universe not her oyster, her vast home?)

“Herstial...That does sound familiar. I believe I’ve heard of it.” A river of backwards-swimming fish, and upwards-falling rain. How delightful! She’d have to write something about it later. The other Benevolent would love-- well. Her patrons at the tavern would enjoy it, anyway. The violin picked up its tune quietly as they conversed.

“Wonderful to meet you Luvena, though I am certain we both wish it were under better circumstances.” She paused. “My name is Mesnyi. I live in Delumine, for now. I’ve been here much longer than I’ve ever been anywhere. What of yourself? Have you been on Novus very long?”

« r » | @Luvena

"You see, women are like fires, like flames. Some women are like candles, bright and friendly. Some are like single sparks, or embers, like fireflies for chasing on summer nights. Some are like campfires, all light and heat for a night and willing to be left after. Some women are like hearthfires, not much to look at but underneath they are all warm red coal that burns a long, long while."

[Image: 26y3cfu.png]
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Played by Offline Lullivy [PM] Posts: 225 — Threads: 37
Signos: 1,285
Night Court Sovereign
Female [She/her/hers]  |  15 [Year 496 Spring]  |  15.3 hh  |  Hth: 3 — Atk: 3 — Exp: 51  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Picoro (Sloth)


"No" I murmured "nothing of the sort, only wind instruments really. Reeds carved into flutes and the like. Sometimes we used drums too, during the darker festivals" She found herself thinking back to those nights by the fireside, where they sung songs of necromancers and their doom, with the drums pounding, and the reeds whistling like a haunted wind.  She held back a laugh as the woman mentioned having heard of it. "Not good things I'm sure, I don't think anyone looks back on it fondly now. I'm surprised anyone even remembers it after all these years. " No doubt it didn't exist anymore. New life was probably growing where the palace had once stood. 

She could picture the wildflowers beginning to bloom in its place, new willow saplings taking root below the ashes. "no, not for very long" she replied softly  "Only for two seasons, and really just... lingering about, I don't know if I'll stay..." her words drifted off, as she let her head sink down into the moss, listening to Mesnyis sweet tune, thinking of the land where the birds flew upside down, wondering if it was the same one where the fish swam backwards, and the rains rained up.  

Slowly her eyes began to close, her mind drifting away with the music, and she fell into sleep, letting the world tumble away.

another closer
Table © Camy


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