an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Private  - Lucifer is Lonely

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Played by Offline Semper [PM] Posts: 4 — Threads: 1
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Dawn Court Soldier
Male [He/His]  |  11 [Year 501 Spring]  |  16.3 hh  |  Hth: 8 — Atk: 12 — Exp: 10  |    Active Magic: N/A & N/A  |    Bonded: N/A


can't commit to anything
but a crime

ravel weary limbs carried my heavy frame further, damp sand clinging to my pasterns while the rest of my tri-colored body stained a darker color from the merciless kiss of the ocean. It was here, on a beach that I had finally found the "x" marked on my map. It was here that I had heard strangers whisper of in passing on my travels. People whispered of the magic that ran through the veins of the lands and I could feel the power pulsating through the sand like lightening through the sky. Excitement sparked in the synapsis of my nerve endings, sending a little bit of a spark into my steps. All of this traveling would soon be worth it, if these lands were really as wonderful as others made it out to be. Otherwise, I would be back on my way.

Large heavily feathered appendages stretched out, slowly, from my two toned sides as my limbs ceased their forward movement and I looked out over the ocean. A grunt slid from my mouth as the tension in my shoulders dissipated with the extension and then contraction of my deltoids. There was a fine mist falling from the pale grey clouds that clung to the sky overhead, mixing in with the ocean breeze, washing away the smell of salted fish that the ocean normally carried. Many seemed to think that the beach was a romantic place, somewhere to bring a naïve female to woo her off of her feet and back into whatever position so desired. But, I found it to be more of a nuisance if that wasn't the goal.

Today, it was almost bearable. At least the smell was gone, but I could already feel the grains of sand digging through my coat into my abdomen and all along my limbs. My thick mane and tail felt ten times heavier with the sand and water that clung to the strands like a nursling to it's mother. If this was what Novus had to offer, I was already less than pleased and had a tiny flicker of longing to find one of the strangers who talked so highly of these parts...just so I could remove their trachea and lies would no longer be able to be spoken. Dark ears flicked about as hazel eyes moved off of the line of waves and floated down the coast line, I wouldn't leave just yet..

Maybe there would be something here to make up for the terrible entrance.
code by ralli | @Liatris | woo this sucks, but i'll get better (416)


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