an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

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Played by Offline Emily [PM] Posts: 6 — Threads: 2
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Medic
Male [Him/His]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  16 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 11  |    Active Magic: N/A & N/A  |    Bonded: Arwen (Hellhound)


It's been a long time since I stepped foot in Delumine. At least to me, it feels like a long time. I feel older though definitely not wiser. The first time seems so long ago now in the forest not far from here. What was that place called again? Viride Forest, I think. I could be wrong. After all, I had barely just arrived here in a tumbling cloud of black and teal smoke then I had left again. Well not really left just, took time to wander. At least in my wandering, I had been reunited with my companion Arwen. I glance down at my right side with a smile. The blue merle-colored hellhound looked up at me. Is this home now? She asked through our bond. "I think it's going to be... I hope at least." She nodded in understanding. Everything was so different, especially since we have no family. I'm not the son of Aaron here. I'm not known to really anyone if I'm honest. But this could be our fresh start. I can be out from under my father's shadow that I had wanted to be free of for so long... 

My hooves click on the stone beneath me. This was my first visit to what I have heard is the capital of the land I hope to call home. I really hope they will allow me to stay. I want, no need to be of use to someone. It's my way of dealing with everything Kaos had stolen away from me. The start of my own family, my younger sister, my father and mother.. I shake my head to clear it. I can not linger on the past. I have to help those here in the present. Not that I even know where to begin.



ooc: sorry i'm a bit rusty!


Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

share with me the blankets that you're wrapped in
because it's cold outside, cold outside, it's cold outside


share with me the secrets that you kept in
because it's cold inside, cold inside, it's cold inside

There was a subtle sway to the rounded-out doe; the sort of sway that came from having to balance an excess of extra weight around her midsection, a clear and distinct proof of the approaching due date for her fawn. The tiny being inside her was thankfully resting; having been still long enough now for her to make the majority of her rounds, ensuring her kingdom was running right. She might be heavily pregnant, but that wasn't going to stop her from doing her duties. Instead; the doe eagerly took to making sure she remained a familiar face to her people; happily interacting with those she knew well, introducing herself to those she didn't; and every variant in between. Callynite was a Sovereign who only wanted to do the best for her people - and her people seemed to be responding well to it.

Even Meira had opted to stay in Delumine, had found shelter in Cally's never swaying sense of justice and righteousness (although that can of worms was one she intended to keep a tight lid on . . . knowing such beings as Sebastian preyed upon the innocents of this world; she wouldn't hesitate to prove to her people that while she's calm and gentile in nature; inside is a typhoon of protectiveness over Delumine and her citizens. The doe however is soon pausing, tilting her head as an unfamiliar energy is walking through the crowds of her people, and her ears perk forward, curious at whomever she didn't know yet. Kicking up her heels, the doe eagerly starts forward, large ears perked towards the source of hooves against stone, and a welcoming, kind smile upon her face.

She likely looked quite the individual, cloak swung around her shoulders in that dark emerald, heavily rounded belly, but wearing a sense of power as if she were born with the ability to carry it. "Hello there!" She calls, her greeting warm and friendly; "I'm not sure I've seen you around Delumine before; which is a right shame - as I should know anyone who walks her streets." The doe states with a welcoming smile, coming up to a stop, keeping enough distance from man and his odd canine companion to be respectful; "My name is Callynite, Sovereign of Delumine." She adds the introduction with ease; having grown used to title, her station in the past year (had it really been a year already?) Never mind that; her focus needed to be on welcoming this new individual who had found his way to her courts; it was only proper as a Sovereign was it not?

and your slowly shaking finger tips
show that you're scared like me so

Notes: <3

let's pretend we're alone
and i know you may be scared
and i know we're unprepared
but i don't care

Artwork ©Bingo


Played by Offline Emily [PM] Posts: 6 — Threads: 2
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Medic
Male [Him/His]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  16 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 11  |    Active Magic: N/A & N/A  |    Bonded: Arwen (Hellhound)


Arwen sighs softly as she continues to pad along at my side. What are we doing here? Looking for a place to sleep or just to look around? I smile softly. Ever since Arwen had found me and we rebonded, she had become so impatient. I understand her feelings, I really do. Apparently, even though it seemed like only moments before I had been dumped back out of the smoke here it had been a couple years. Arwen had been dumped out before me, and was no longer the tiny pup I had originally known. Because of that, she was eager to look for anyone else from our family. I on the other hand, was not. For one, Kaos could of done Gods know what with everyone. A large part of me, didn't want to know. He could of killed them all and i'm the only one left. Stop it. She grumps softly in my mind. I know she feels my emotions. Calypso, her bonded cerndyr Daenerys and our girls Sapphira and Ceto... They hadn't been pulled into the smoke.

Lost in my thoughts, Arwen is the only one who notices the others approach. Well that is different. Is her only comment as the female voice reaches my ears. I turn to see the one it belonged to and... Well to say I was surprised would probably be a major understatement. I found myself at a loss for words as I watched what looked like an overgrown cerndyr walking towards me. But not only that, she was very clearly expecting from the size of her belly. Reminded me of how Calypso's belly had looked.. I sigh softly and push those thoughts away as she introduces herself.

Oh crap. The Sovereign. That's the leader of Delumine if my memory serves me right. I dip my head in respect, while trying to make sure my horn did not hit anyone. It's bad enough that it is tipped with red, almost the color of blood. Father had told me it was a family trait from my mother... Now where was I.. Oh yes answering the lady in front of me. "Pleasure to meet you Callynite. I am Brendan, one of the newer medics." At least, that was the title I want to hold. Well if i'm honest I want to climb the ranks and be the best healer possible. But for now, a simple medic will do. Arwen moved from my side to just in front of my hooves and sat down as if to remind me to introduce her as well. "And this is Arwen, my companion." I say with a slight smile. Please don't turn us away..





Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

share with me the blankets that you're wrapped in
because it's cold outside, cold outside, it's cold outside


share with me the secrets that you kept in
because it's cold inside, cold inside, it's cold inside

The curiosity the doe is embedded with is tangible; seeming to sweep around her in question marks. Who this stranger is; where he came from - and most importantly in her mind, currently; who or rather what the odd creature at his side was. But she speaks out in greeting, watching him turn towards her; and the queen isn't surprised by his shock. It wasn't the first time the half Irish elk had stopped traffic with her species. How many others paused to see her and her mate walking down the path, the deer casually conversing. Even now; the swell of her belly promises the arrival of Delumine's first fawn. She was currently making history on her lonesome.

First doe to rule a Court in Novus (of which she'd been doing for a year now), and soon she'd also bring the first fawn in to the court with the arrival of her own child. But priorities, priorities - and she was nothing if not a curious being - which drew her attention once more to the stallion and his creature companion. He is not lost in his thoughts for long, catching up to her speech as she introduces herself. A wry smile crosses her face; playful and teasing at his dip of his head; the angling of his horn. Prior to her being reverted into her old form, her original form - this form; she too had had a horn requiring her to cautiously adhere to the management of it's point.

The stallion then introduces himself as Brendan; one of her newer medics - seemed like she was always running into those. Medics and scholars - did not one else feel drawn to Dawn Court. Her smile doesn't drop however, as he introduces his companion as Arwen. Her smile is for the both of then, her head dipping regally; a queen in polite acknowledgement to a subject; "Well, then welcome to Delumine. We're always happy to accept new friendly faces; particularly talented ones." She replies with a friendly, teasing wink, "I do hope the both of you find the balance to settle in smoothly within Delumine, and do not hesitate to ask me should you want of anything. I'm rather devoted to ensuring my people are taking care of. Delumine, and Oriens have intrusted me with the care of the Dawn Court; I have no intentions to disappoint either." It's a casual acknowledgement of her ruling style. She didn't hide behind the citadel walls -- she was out and among her people; because with out knowing her people how can she strive to achieve the best for them?

"How are you enjoying Delumine so far?"

and your slowly shaking finger tips
show that you're scared like me so

Notes: <3

let's pretend we're alone
and i know you may be scared
and i know we're unprepared
but i don't care

Artwork ©Bingo


Played by Offline Emily [PM] Posts: 6 — Threads: 2
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Medic
Male [Him/His]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  16 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 11  |    Active Magic: N/A & N/A  |    Bonded: Arwen (Hellhound)


I sigh softly, releasing a breath I did not realize I was holding as Callynite officially welcomes them. Thank you, Father Earth... Er.. Well, I'm not really sure who to thank anymore.. The Gods of Helovia are dead as far as I know. Just like so many others I knew, including my own father. I smile as she winks at me. I can not say I consider myself a talented medic. But I will be seeking to improve, as well as maybe obtain my own personal healing magic.. At least, I assume that is a possibility here. It has to be. After all, our bond is a form of magic is it not? My eyes cut to Arwen before quickly returning to Callynite. I don't want to be rude, but I really know very little of this place let alone all of the other lands. I am only here in Delumine out of pure chance.

As Callynite continues to speak, she says something about Oriens.. My ears pricked forward in curiosity. She continues on to ask how I am enjoying Delumine, and well. I guess now is as good of a time as any to be honest. "I hope I do not offend by asking but, exactly who or what is Oriens?" I look the doe in the eyes, really hoping she does not find my lack of knowledge about this place offensive. "I am not originally from here. My old home, well it's a very long story but it no longer exists. I do not know much about any of... well anything around here." As my nervousness heightened, little harmless silver flames flickered on my back. The flames brother.. Calm yourself before you frighten her. Arwen noticed them first. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. Thankfully, it worked before my back was completely engulfed in flames. I hope she did not see them before I got my nervousness under control.

Well, I guess that confirms magic still works here? Arwen asks me. "I guess so, though I wish that particular magic was gone... I say to her. Which was true. It normally freaked not only myself but others out when my emotions become heightened and flames spread across my back. The last thing I need is to be labeled as a freak or something..





Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

share with me the blankets that you're wrapped in
because it's cold outside, cold outside, it's cold outside


share with me the secrets that you kept in
because it's cold inside, cold inside, it's cold inside

The doe was delighted by the knowledge of new members for Delumine, which was surely needed. And as such, more than happy to welcome both of the two - stallion and companion; to her land in her own bright way. She shifts as she speaks, mentioning Oriens, and as she does so, she glances briefly in the direction of the temple, pondering on if she should check it to see if it was in a need for cleaning. The energy that seems to always nestle into her pelt, glitter green in hue, like dancing sparkles; seemed to rise up at the thought. She ought to make sure that the temple was well taken care of, unbefitting if she didn't. She soothed those thoughts, allow the energy manifestation to dissipate as well, fade back into a slight film over her pelt.

At his question, she laughs in surprise, her smile understanding. "Oh, no offense at all! Oriens is Delumine's patron god. His temple is across the street and a couple of buildings down, large and made of marble, you can't miss it. He's the God of the Dawn, rising the sun each morning." She offers the knowledge willingly, before using her antlers to nod in the direction of the library, "Delumine prides ourselves with our knowledge, and as such, have the largest of libraries in Novus - and you'll likely be able to find all kinds of information you may need. I know it can be very disconcerting to arrive with out warning, particularly from another world. You're not the only one to have had that happen." THe many that Cally knew who shared that same story was massive, her own self included.

She did notice that as he explained all of this nervously, his nerves did kick up a unique response in small silver flames down his back, and she smiled faintly in amusement, as the former druid goddess tilted her head, "I assure you, there's no reason to feel so nervous of being a new transplant to Novus. We have many varying types, horses with fins, or wings, or antlers. Those that come from the ocean, and those that hail from the sky. In fact, there's even a horse that spends her time in Delumine on occasion who comes from the galaxies above. You can't miss her when you see her, literally looks like she brings the galaxies with her, shedding stardust and everything." The pregnant doe stated with a chuckle. "Not that that is even that weird. Novus is a land of many types, of that I can assure you. Why don't I give you a tour and show you some of the important points of Delumine?" She offered, before pausing long enough to turn to a nearby plant, "If Coyotl needs me, let me know, but otherwise, unless it is an emergency; I shall be busy with a tour until further notice." If talking to a plant was odd enough, the fact the bush seemed to shift, the energy in it humming with acknowledge, practically bowing to the doe that was so deeply connected to the land and magic of the land that made up Novus. She smiled gratefully too the bush, trusting that the energy would spread the message, so she could be reached in emergency.

She turned back to Brendan and his companion, "Apologies, the plants help me know where I am needed, so I like to keep them informed when I'm about to take on an important task. Now, shall we get busy with our tour?"

and your slowly shaking finger tips
show that you're scared like me so

Notes: <3

let's pretend we're alone
and i know you may be scared
and i know we're unprepared
but i don't care

Artwork ©Bingo


Played by Offline Emily [PM] Posts: 6 — Threads: 2
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Medic
Male [Him/His]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  16 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 11  |    Active Magic: N/A & N/A  |    Bonded: Arwen (Hellhound)


She laughs and I tense slightly as the flames start again. But just as fast as they came they were gone as her words calm me. I have got to stop being so nervous. My father was never like this, nor was my mother. Alanna was not jumpy like you either. Breathe. Let's start fresh. I don't think Kaos can reach us anymore. As usual, she was right. I listen intently as Callynite speaks of our patron God. I would have to seek out this God, to see if I would follow him as closely as I had followed Father Earth in Helovia. The Gods had failed us all, and now I had no idea if everyone was dead or just thrown around randomly as we had been. My ears pricked forward at the talk of libraries. I really didn't want to seem like I had come from some backwoods land.. But I knew nothing of libraries or the information they would hold. I did not however voice this. I already had asked so many questions and I didn't want to push my luck. I would ask someone else, someone who was not our Sovereign and heavy with child. At least I am assuming that is why her belly is so round. Calypso's belly had been bigger, but it held two so that's not surprising. Then again, I know nothing of doe anatomy.

All this time, Arwen had been close to me waiting patiently. When Callynite spoke and soothed my nerves however, she took the opportunity to back up a bit from me and leap onto my backside. She too had her ears flicked forward listening to our leader speak of others who live in not only Novus, but in Delumine. Even one that looked like the galaxies. My eyes widened slightly in surprise. I nodded in understanding however. All were accepted, no matter what they looked like on the outside. That to me was a relief knowing that both equine and unicorn blood runs in my veins. Perhaps this new place would truly be different from our old one.

At the offer of a tour, I smiled. "We would greatly appreciate it if you have the time." My eyes widen again in surprise as she speaks to a nearby plant, and even more when it looked like it seemed to respond by shifting. I quickly try to hide my surprise. I really shouldn't be surprised anymore but, I guess I still have a lot to learn. She must have seen my reaction as she explained what she told them. When she continued about our tour I nodded and spoke. "After you m'lady." I said with a smile. At least Dad had taught me some manners... I don't want to offend our new leader after all.





Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

share with me the blankets that you're wrapped in
because it's cold outside, cold outside, it's cold outside


share with me the secrets that you kept in
because it's cold inside, cold inside, it's cold inside

The doe offers the best reassuring smile she could, her expression warm and reassuring as she notes those flames start up again. She knew as well as anyone what it was like for magic to swirl with out your control, thought she hoped those flames weren't harmful - particularly considering she wasn't just the Queen of these lands, but also held domain over the earth, and well . . . Fire tended to eat the greenery, after all. The sudden movement, had the doe turning her gaze towards the creature as it lept onto the back of the stallion, before smiling, at the stallion, "I have all the time" She responded with a kind smile, her head nodding at the offer, chuckling, "Probably best you let me make the pace, heaven knows I waddle more than I walk anymore." She replied, turning to start down the path, even as her muzzle brushed against her side, "I'll be grateful when this little one finally makes their way into this world. I'm not too fond of the extra weight, or bulk." Perhaps walking would help to continue to encourage that, as she continued to near closer and closer to her due date.

She perks her ears forward, glancing around, "So, obviously; this is the main walkway of Delumine, where the heart of our Court is. You can find all kinds of inns, and shops - though unfortunately a many of them are empty - a lot of individuals have made their way to other courts to peddler their wears lately. If you continue to follow this path, you'll see the large building up ahead, that is my seat of power here in Dawn." She pauses to take another street, turning to the left, and trotting her way forward, until a new building came into sight, "This is our library, filled with all kinds of books, and other bits of information - and a number of artifacts as well. When I married my mate, we had found quite the collection of interesting pieces of history."

She pauses here, her gaze following the different streets briefly to decide the best one to take, before turning to the right, and heading onward, the path carrying her towards the north, "The rest of Delumine is to the North East of the Court. The Rapax River cuts from the below the, separating us rather well from Dusk to the south - with Amare creek between the River, and Dusk itself - the creek is part of the non-court lands. The River continues, around the heart of Dawn Court, before up to the north, and separates Illuster Meadow to the west of the river, from Viride Forest to the east of the river." She stops on the outskirts of the township, pointing out in the directions, where one could see the distinct shapes of the meadow, the forest of trees, even where the water was whooshing from the rapids of the river. She turns towards the stallion, her smile kind, welcoming, "Do you have anywhere you'd like to know locations for in general? I know a generalized tour like this can't always provide all the information someone may wish to have."

and your slowly shaking finger tips
show that you're scared like me so

Notes: <3

let's pretend we're alone
and i know you may be scared
and i know we're unprepared
but i don't care

Artwork ©Bingo


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