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Played by Offline kealie [PM] Posts: 74 — Threads: 16
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Dawn Court Soldier
Female [she/her/hers]  |  9 [Year 501 Winter]  |  15.3 hh  |  Hth: 11 — Atk: 9 — Exp: 24  |    Active Magic: Emotion Transference  |    Bonded: Vradara (Small Dragon)

she was powerful not because she wasn't scared,
but because she went on strongly despite her fear.
Maerys passed unobtrusively within the jungle, Vradara trudging alongside her. Every step is delicate against the moistened loam and leaflets that litter the area. There is viscous moisture that plagues the air, attended by the drone of beetles and the gentle trickle of rainwater. Though in times prior this novel realm appeared to be experiencing a wholly distinct season than the rest of Novus, now it welcomed warmness and bloom very much as springtime does. This rainfall, notably removed from dismal, deepens the hues of the jungle around her, adding a lush richness to the scene. The girl finds particular joy in the rain that soothes her heart and steadies her soul.

The path she explores goes on for miles before it winds into a different direction or before there is a fork in it which calls for a choice, as if the path was made for something that could move longer distances in a shorter time. For this reason, when a thick river comes into view, Maerys eyes it with curious felicity. The water is green, darker in the shadows and more pale in the light, but still undeniably green. For all its serenity, there is more danger in its swirling depths than the trees behind (especially on this island). Stepping forward carefully, her lips drop to the cool water and she indulges in the refreshing liquid, her front hooves on the edge of submersion.

Maerys and Vradara are considerably far from camouflaged now as the precipitation strikes their hindquarters and flanks. Maerys sandy coloring has deepened to a rich cedar and Vradara's rose scales glint softly at the light from above. The mare's silvery-white hair is unruly now, drenched in some segments and hardly moist in others, curling and knotting in unusual ways. As she lifts her cranium and steps deeper into the river, the trees shield her on neither side and she is wholly exposed - something exhilarating and unnerving in one breath.

On this unusual, foreign land, it was most likely wise not to be so blatantly apparent as creatures lurk that are sometimes far removed from friendly - something Maerys had truly yet to learn.

code created by kaons and modified by me

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:


“Now get out of my sight …”

Inferi’s heart is still ablaze from that night, a woman scorned by the only man - the only being - she had ever trusted. Uncontrollable flames lick slow and merciless brands inside of her cavernous chest as she tears recklessly through pelting rain, a danger to herself and everyone around her, always. A scream for her lost childhood, for her scarred body, for her hateful mother’s face had lodged itself in her throat. It was tempting to give in, to cry to the pissing rain that her life wasn’t fair, but it had never been. Her mother, her father, her whole family had made sure of that, and she was only a single, microscopic cog in the lovecraftian war machine that was The Vow. A tiny part of her ached for home, wanted so desperately to feel whole again that she had considered begging her cousin on her knees to please, please let her stay. But Antioch would not tolerate mistakes. He would stone her in the courtyard as an example if she ever came back, and somehow the knowledge of this made the fire within her burn impossibly hotter.

The driving rain versus her velocity is eventually too much for her, her bodice soaked black and long, rippling hair tangled beyond recognition. She sought a spot to land and, as if the gods themselves are guiding her, a figure steps into view - a tiny body far below, slowly edging out into tepid green waters as a sign of solid ground … and the promise of free entertainment. As soon as she has made her decision, she angles her wings in a tight turn and heads down, a raptor circling her unsuspecting prey. Her landing is too close, purposely imprecise, spraying water up as she comes down into it. Immediately she shakes herself out, furthering her rude entrance, and begins eyeing the new focus of her attention with vicious intent. The boredom, pale feelings of loneliness - it festers, longing to be quelled, and here it was that she seeks her freedom from it. “A little damp out for a venture, isn’t it, mademoiselle?” The pegasus’ tone is dripping acid, her lips pulled halfway up in a coy smirk. “What’s a sweet young thing doing out in this weather, hmm?”

A mottled wing, feathers still damp, reaches out to caress the fae beneath her chin before she dances away slyly, a soft, teasing snort falling from powder pink nostrils as she keeps her burning blue eyes on her target. The position of her wings and her furious gaze betray her natural state of aggression, but she has never known anything else, and prays that this pretty lady decides to reciprocate her attitude, feeds her fire and lets her in to cause chaos. She craves it, fiending, and good luck to anyone that decides to put up a fist to such a ferocious beast as Inferi.

i want to be set on fire

Played by Offline kealie [PM] Posts: 74 — Threads: 16
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Dawn Court Soldier
Female [she/her/hers]  |  9 [Year 501 Winter]  |  15.3 hh  |  Hth: 11 — Atk: 9 — Exp: 24  |    Active Magic: Emotion Transference  |    Bonded: Vradara (Small Dragon)

she was powerful not because she wasn't scared,
but because she went on strongly despite her fear.
Inferi berthed comparable to a knave at Maerys' flank, stream droplets spattering onto her already saturated side as she rallied in confusion to confront the newcomer. There was no trace of charity on Inferi's face; it was only conniving flirtatiousness laced with an undercurrent of something abhorrently corrosive. Adrenaline inundated the pale girl's blood like heroin; undeviatingly into the circulatory system at full pelt. Her heart hammered and pounded like a ritornelle of clattering drums in her chest as her sights ranged wide. Her limbs quivered with anticipation as her muscles grew tense with intuition and apprehension - fight or flight? 

Her heart longed to secure weaponry - defend yourself, it screeched - but instead, she kept precisely where she was, trying to quell the sudden hammering in her breast.

The mare was so varied from Maerys - locks so deep against a profile so porcelain and a body so ebony. The chaos and the contrast only served to make her all the more ghostly all the more haunting. In even the pale somber light of a tempest, the youth with silvery locks a thousand shades of moonlight and sterling, was lovely yet still... she was homely in comparison to her company who governed and controlled through both temptation and alarm (as she was now). When Maerys ultimately established eye contact with the stranger, she recognized that her eyes were the tone of delphiniums in the heartiest of sunlight, glaciers capable of fire. And so she is valued and pitied in similar servings, sought and renounced, feared and admired.

When Inferi articulated, alarm once again seized at Maerys' jugular like a famished stray. That timbre... it told her limbs to go cold, her abdomen to lurch, and her heart to throb. Her smile was more of a sneer - it illuminated her features in a wicked sort of way. There was no genuine affection in the exchange and Maerys soundlessly knew that such a thing would not come from today's meeting.

It did not matter if she was a baby that was left to cry or a mean spirit no love could fix for she exuded a variety of acid that Maerys would never allow to be justified. 

The rain poured down Maerys' face as the stranger reached her winged appendage like a cryptic hand towards the girl's chin. She could taste the chilled tears of rain as moist feathers gently brushed her delicate flesh in a way that didn't detract from the intensity of the moment, but rather brought it to increased climaxes. Her lungs squeezed as the temptress lingered for a moment before retracting her quills.

"I... uh-," she apprehensively started as her shadowy company's velvet nostrils quiver. Growing overwhelmed, Maerys sharply tossed her cranium, launching stray droplets off of the curves and edges of her face and regaining her composure in the process, desperately attempting to free her mind of its cloudiness. "Why doth thee care?" she snapped, blunter than expected. After just a momentary pause, she decided to reapproach the question. "'Twas not mine own intention to be out in the rain at a time such as now," she offered with a skeptical glance at her company. How could something be so tempting and so terrifying in the same instant? 

@Inferi your writing is so beautiful
code created by kaons and modified by me

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:


Marbled skin tingles with delight as the subject of her unholy eyes, oh so exquisite in her slender bones and pale violet eyes, takes the bait unwittingly, naivety in every syllable flung blunt in her defense. Oh, Caligo, thank you. This girl, she has no idea how much work has gone into crafting such a sickness of the mind, has no idea what it is like to be thrown into the wilds without a weapon or a friend. A grin splits her features, a twisted facsimile of something meant to convey delight becoming a vicious baring of teeth. How many times had they been stained red? Would they drip crimson again today? Patience, she knew, was the key to this game: it was more enjoyable to antagonist, to lead her prey into a trap of their own making than to simply immolate … as much fun as that can be. Well, she supposed she didn’t have a choice since her magic had been stripped from her, so cruelly by the hands that had once molded her into a most formidable tool of destruction. Inferi replies, a soft, “ah,” as if she is sympathetic to the girl’s plight, yet her posture conveys that she is anything but. She takes a bold step toward the water-logged maiden, feathers fluttering with barely contained excitement. “Yet, here you stand,” is her cultured continuation, her voice eerily soft now: Une petite fille, all alone in the rain.”

A low, rumbling laughter bubbles up from somewhere deep inside her hollowed out chamber of a chest, her heart abducted many years before by the flames that had once engulfed her. All magic requires sacrifice, after all, and what a small, pitiful price to pay for absolute power. Oh, but Antioch could not - would not - be outdone. He was The Only Son, The Prince of Darkness, The Harbinger of Darkness and Destruction. Only He could have ultimate control, and she had no doubt in her mind that she had been set up to fail for her final mission. He could have no competition, would not be questioned, and she was simply too blinded by her youthful ambition to see it any earlier. She is wiser now, yet still her blood rushes at the thought of control, her eyes skimming lovingly, longingly, over every pinprick of weakness on this innocent feminine body before her. “What a shame it would be if something ... terrible were to happen …” Her vocal inflection, softly rising lyrics, make it known that she is thinking, but of what, one cannot be sure. She is speaking as kindly as any lady in waiting, a proper, soft-spoken female, she thinks.

Certainly she is mocking this poor girl’s defenselessness in the face of her own rugged brutality, and by reading the girl’s body language she can only assume that her point is getting through. Maerys is not safe here, not with this winged demon, this vision of death disguised as pied beauty. Ah, but shouldn’t death be beautiful? “Do you need protecting, chaton? Again, feathers reach for the fae, her wing stretching out slowly as her shapely head tilted, a caress of the spine meant to entice and frighten all at once. “Tell me your name, cherie,” she coos. “They call me Inferi.” Inferi:The Infernal One. Jaguar Love didn’t know how accurate her bastard child’s name would be.

Une petite fille: a little girl

Chaton: kitten

Cherie: darling

omg thnk u sob i think yours is so beautiful too, so rich in detail and !! i love maerys so much!! i'm sorry inferi is so terrible!!!

i want to be set on fire

Played by Offline Staff [PM] Posts: 309 — Threads: 165
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Official Novus Account

A Random Event Has Occurred!

Eventually the clouds above the island remember that they do not need to be normal clouds. It's magic making them bloated with water. Maybe it's a little sea-salt and brine that are making them want to give something back to the island that is welcoming them with belly-up leaves.

So the clouds decide with no more than a pause in the rain, and a peppering of light through their
vapor, that it's not fat drops of rain they wants to pour out. Like a hive the clouds decide to rain diamond-dust, and gold-dust, and pearl-dust. It glitters in the light as it falls, like tiny butterflies caught on the wind with broken wings.

Glitter gathers on the leaves and the jungle floor. The roots below the dirt devour all that shine as if it's wealth that makes them grown instead of water and sunlight. It pools in the wings of one mare and in the spinal crease of the other.

It does not seems as if they sky will ever decide to drop water to the earth again. Why would it when this is so much better?

And soon the river by which they are standing cannot run swiftly enough to prevent a layer of shine from forming in the current like pollen. It's easy to wonder what might grow from it when the fish start to drink it and the birds start to eat those fish.  


@Maerys and @Inferi might not notice that it's no rain falling from the clouds anymore. And they might not notice that the leaves are looking brighter than they did when it was only water they were drinking. But when light starts to dapple through the thick clouds the jungle is shining more than it should, or even more than a dream jungle might. Everything is dusted in gold, and silver, and pearl. Glitter is still falling from the sky and it makes the river seems slow moving when it starts to gathering on the current. Will it ever stop raining wealth? Or has the island finally decide that there are no rules to hold it back?

Each participant will be awarded +300 signos for encountering a Random Event! How you reply is up to you; feel free to NPC any part of this event.


To tag this account: @*'Random Events' without the asterisk.
Please be advised, tagging the Random Event account does not guarantee a response!

Played by Offline kealie [PM] Posts: 74 — Threads: 16
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Dawn Court Soldier
Female [she/her/hers]  |  9 [Year 501 Winter]  |  15.3 hh  |  Hth: 11 — Atk: 9 — Exp: 24  |    Active Magic: Emotion Transference  |    Bonded: Vradara (Small Dragon)

she was powerful not because she wasn't scared,
but because she went on strongly despite her fear.

That individual syllable ingrained terror in Maerys where there'd only been apprehension prior. It crept over the girl in the way frost would, anesthetizing everything it touched in delicate patterns of this and that until she was frozen dense. It strained at her like an invisible gale, endeavoring to jostle her down the path she'd been progressing - go home, turn around, leave - but Maerys' limbs neglected to hear the plead. The dread she tasted... if it could not turn back time and it could not aid her now, what was its use?

Une petit fille - Maerys sought to decode the terms, harshly deciphering them as 'a petite filly,' a classification of the Dawn child that was fairly accurate - all alone in the rain. Inferi tormented her with every stabbing expression and flutter of her eyelashes until her tongue shattered into an unexpected laugh. The dun girl could only observe and question what would transpire next. Maerys' father had invariably told her that laughing did not reveal anything. This had always been an affirmation that the doe discredited, particularly as she recognized lovers and friends alike titter beneath the azure heaven. The way Inferi's grin matured considerably with width before fracturing open and howling into the space between them confirmed it wasn't just a sonance; it was her cast, the way her expression seized, the way she heaved for breath as her optics filled with hunger.

"Aye, that would be a shame," Maerys acknowledged as her eyes found Inferi's and were taken captive by their bitter stroke. The girl did not want anything disastrous to happen for she was youthful, too youthful, with so much life to live and love to give. The mare was more grown and though it was not by much, with that time she was more perfected than the bare-flanked child, with dense bones and an unyielding form. Could height beat bulk? It was all Maerys had as an advantage. She estimated her possibilities regularly in her conscious now, nurturing ways to flee or fight. She so despairingly wanted to leave harmoniously, but she was assured that was no longer an opportunity so she turned to what she grasped. The girl had long ago retained where to thrust to crack bone and where to snap to draw blood, but she worried regardless. Surely Inferi was not going to permit a child to effectively devastate her - there was palpable certainty in the mare that suggested she would retaliate with ease.

Maerys still hadn't stirred when Inferi speared her statements once more at the girl. She inquired if the girl needed security, but with the flick of her mauve eyes along the bodice of the stranger, noting her stiff muscles and callous body language, Maerys easily said "Perhaps." The exchange is an uncomplicated one, but it sent her thoughts ablaze. Was she venturing to scare the girl into taking her protection? Was she feeling the situation out before launching swiftly for the girl's throat? Was she just incorrectly projecting her true desires into the air?


Somehow the name was tantalizing and terrifying in the same breath - the perfect summation of its possessor.

It was a name that would not be forgotten.

There was a gleam of light across the clouds - lightning, perhaps - as the rain yielded for a moment. It didn't appear unusual to the girl yet, merely the storm moving on or reclining. Promptly, however, the circumstances morph into something Maerys could not tell if she was fantasizing or not.

What descended from the clouds swayed in the light, a choreographed shuffle conducted by the soothing zephyr. The flecks that poured down on the pair now instead of the rain were each varying dimensions, molds, and even hues. Ochroid, margarite, and diamond arrived in snowflakes from the sky in a churning mess of swirls and twists, enchanting as they twinkled in the light.

No matter what planet, what galaxy, or even what universe any small creature may be on, those fiery specks that streaked across the sky would be an ultimately beautiful distraction from the tragedies of the world for any individual to behold.

"This island does not fear you, Inferi," she begins, her attention reattached to the mare. "And I, Maerys, do not either."

She wasn't sure if it was the truth or if she was convincing herself it was.

@Inferi sparkle rain makes maerys brave
code created by kaons and modified by me

[Image: maerys-pixel.png]


force and magic always permitted

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