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Played by Offline Sparrow [PM] Posts: 137 — Threads: 30
Signos: 1,020
Night Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  Immortal [Year 496 Summer]  |  16.1 hh  |  Hth: 32 — Atk: 28 — Exp: 85  |    Active Magic: Pyromancy  |    Bonded: Solaris (Phoenix)


A part of her had been hesitant to leave Terrastella behind, trepidation alight like a smoldering ember within her breast. There were other warriors, she knew, highly capable men and women who could protect the Dusk Court if need be, but she loathed to be so far away from the place that she had begun to feel was home. Diarmuid would protect Terrastella, and Ki’irha would as well, once she had recovered from her trying ordeal. It would be in good, capable hands until their return. Besides, they had been given a mission, and they could not simply go back or disregard the task in which their newly appointed Sovereign had entrusted to them.
Florentine had given them a task; go and assist the citizens of Solterra. Simple enough. They were offering aid in the form of their healers, with Isorath and Evangeline in her company to see the task through. Israfel herself was no medic or healer, lacking much familiarity with such a cherished ability; she was a warrior, a fighter, a defender, and had been tasked in keeping her traveling companions safe. It was a job in which she readily took to heart. Unfamiliar as she was with the battle prowess of Isorath or Evangeline, the Sun Daughter would do all that she could to keep them safe along their trek.
It took days, their journey. Terrastella was not close to Solterra, not at all, and due to Evangeline’s lack of wings, they travelled by ground. The Day Court proper was on the polar opposite side of Novus, and it would be a daunting journey, but one she was willing to face with bravado and determination. Occasionally Israfel would take to the skies to scout out their path ahead, but would dutifully return to her companion’s sides, never straying too far or for too long. Eventually the terrain began to shift, rolling plains turning into rocky crags as they ascended the mountain ranges of Novus, but that too changed into the sandy dunes of Solterra’s vast desert. This would mark the Sun Daughter’s maiden venture into Solterra, and she couldn’t contain the thread of excitement that thrummed through her veins at the notion.
Solterra was the land of the sun, paying homage to Solis. Sol. Sun. As the Daughter of the Sun God himself from Helovia, she felt a familial sort of tie to these lands; from the cresting dunes of pale sand to the mighty of the sun in the sky, she felt so very alive amidst it all, welcoming the heat that cascaded down upon them as they traveled. Inevitably, they arrived to the Day Court proper, halting just outside of the massive stone walls and the entrance of the fortress. Israfel did not want to simply traipse foolishly into a Court that was not their own, not when Solterra had so recently lost their Sovereign, Maxence. It was, after all, the very reason as to why they were there. It was daunting, the fortress, a mighty shelter granted to those hardy enough to survive such grueling conditions. Clearing her throat, tongue dry from their trek across the desert, pausing to rest at the Oasis for a night and quench their thirst, Israfel called out, flanked on either side by Isorath and Evangeline. They were her shield-siblings, and she, theirs, and together they would do what was needed before returning home.
“Solterra!” She called, her voice hoarse from the dry air, sweat darkening her ivory hide as gilded wings flexed upon her shoulders, “We have come from Terrastella, sent by Lady Florentine! She has sent us to offer aide in whatever way that the Day Court may need in such trying, difficult times.” Vermilion eyes glanced to her left, focusing on Isorath, and then to her right, glancing to Evangeline, and thus grew quiet, allowing them to say their piece or regard the situation with silence. Hopefully they would not be turned away, but Florentine had been confident that they would be welcomed among the Solterrans. She could only pray that the loss of Maxence would not have affected their welcoming.
x - x

@Isorath @Evangeline and anyone from Day Court! Florentine has sent Evangeline, Isorath, and Israfel to Solterra to offer assistance in the wake of Max's passing.

Please Tag Israfel in all Replies!


Messages In This Thread
For Hearth and Home - by Israfel - 11-14-2017, 09:35 PM
RE: For Hearth and Home - by Isorath - 11-15-2017, 08:04 PM
RE: For Hearth and Home - by Seraphina - 11-15-2017, 11:43 PM
RE: For Hearth and Home - by Eik - 11-16-2017, 05:52 PM
RE: For Hearth and Home - by Israfel - 11-21-2017, 09:55 PM
RE: For Hearth and Home - by Isorath - 11-23-2017, 11:23 PM
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