an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

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Played by Offline Kaiju [PM] Posts: 33 — Threads: 10
Signos: 5
Inactive Character

what you've been missing

This is the land, is it not? The land that all can come to in order to whisper their prayers to the gods, to the deities that have shown themselves to the lands of Novus. Yes, they've been here before, but it's been too long now. The deities perhaps have forsaken them, for their abandonment. Novus is a stranger to them now.

Being a Star Walker has always been something of a saddening venture, always alone. Immortality is a gift and a curse, and they were born with it, freezing their mortal looks only at a certain age, their body still young in look but their soul and mind? Centuries have passed, millennia even. The years had come and gone with nothing but a blink, and their old lands had been washed away with dust and time, nature overtaking what was once hers. Their people no longer existed except in soft rumors and whispers, with Star Walkers being scattered to the winds. Certainly there are descendants as well, aren't there? An existence somewhere of what once was, that carried the knowledge of what Star Walkers were and where they came from.

It's this hope that allows Cicatrix to not feel as alone.

A deep breath is taken, wings sweeping forth as they flap, effortlessly cupping the air and allowing their large frame to land, ever so delicate for someone so tall. Gilded hooves press into the ground, nearly to the dewclaw, before it relents and bounces back. Stones skitter away, and finally, Cicatrix cups their wings close to their body once settled, as to not disturb the land.

The golden halo of light bounces off of the rocky crevices and jutting stone, but seems to only be absorbed by the growing darkness around them. This time, they don't whisper to the winds, to the deities. The last time they were here, they'd tilted their head and spoken to the stars, to the silence of the night. Now they bow their head as the gravity around them flexes and shifts. Their cloak moves slowly, as if they've come from the vacuum of space itself, walking with an eerie lightness for their massive height.

There's a soft ruffling of accented feathers, the gilded edges shimmering in the falling rays of the sun, and their gaze settles on the horizon, the silence of the moment. This is .... lonesome. But they've always been lonesome, always wandered the lands near and far. Here however, they have stepped away from responsibility and from those they cared about.

@open !!!


Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 103 — Threads: 12
Signos: 125
Vagabond Monk
Female [She/Her/They/Theirs]  |  9 [Year 503 Summer]  |  15.1 hh  |  Hth: 46 — Atk: 14 — Exp: 69  |    Active Magic: Stellar Divination  |    Bonded: N/A

V e i l N e b u l a
Visions of your pretty face send me into hyper space
Caught up in a palentary world
She hovered in the air, eyes locked on the peak.

The last time she had been here it hadn't been pleasant. She still remembered that time with frightening intensity. The heat, the extreme heat. White and Yellow and Blue, blazing around her, engulfing her as she spun out of control. Hoof over head, wing over wing, wrenched one way and then another. Tugged at, pulled at. It had been horribly painful, as gravity had sunk it's claws into her and hurled her to the ground.It hadn't been an easy landing. Infact, none of it was easy. Going through the different levels of atmosphere, feeling the sudden vacuum of space replaced with pressure, and elements she wasn't familiar with, and that damnable gravity. The gravitational pull had barely caught her when she'd been passing by this planet, a wayward shooting star that had planned to miss this rock by a good many lightyears. But dodging an asteroid belt had put her off her track, it had altered her trajectory. It had led to her downfall - literally.

She could see the impact crater from here.

It reflected ivory from where fresh snow had covered the burnt impact her crash landing had caused. But not even the snow could hide the corpses of trees, burnt and gnarled, broken from the shockwave of her impact. And nothing could hide the distinct crater she had made. Had she had more knowledge, more understanding of speech and thoughts and general communications, she'd have expressed disgust at the idea of little ol' her causing such a massive impact zone, but as it was, the wayward, grounded star could do little more than stare in silence. She turned her head away from the sight, the proof she was otherworldly (as if her appearance wasn't proof enough). An alien to this planet . . . no, not even alien was a proper term, was there such a term for her, for what she was? A creature composed more of stardust, galactic debris than anything else. Her very heart was the core of her own infant star, aged a few hundreds of thousands of years now. She may be bone, flesh, and fur, but even her blood was an odd mix of galactic dust and gas given off by her star that powered her celestial body, mixed together with a liquid resembling blood, but not quite. She didn't need to eat (though she could if she wanted), she had no heartbeat, and yet should think, she could talk, she could move about. She was a creature of oddness, a creature of uncertainty.

She was a singular oddity.

She'd been a singular oddity for a long time. It had only been when Jane took her in, that the star began to understand what companionship could be. What it meant to not feel alone all the time, what it meant to have a friend. It was odd coming back to this place without Jane, truly. But she had wanted to do this herself, see it herself. Wings fluttered, feathers splayed out, shedding off stardust that seemed to wrap her in a familiar embrace. It wasn't the silence of space, but it was her own slice of the universe to carry with her. She paused then when a flash of gold caught her attention, vibrant against the dark. Noticeable and bright, like a yellow giant against the endless inky of the skies. She hesitates, before wings carry her forward. She angles herself, trying to follow the flickers, curiosity getting the better of her, something was here that she might be able to learn from, to witness, to experience. And Veil was desperate to learn everything she could. If only to be able to not be such a burden on Jane.

She turned towards the ground.

Wings flapping a few times as she daintly lowered herself, hindlegs touching first, before her forelimbs, wings folding up tight against her sides. Her pink hued gaze flicked across her surroundings, the galaxy swirling in their depths, before her dark form moved between the trees, a splash of deep, dark purple, even as the vibrant blue and pink nebula stamped into her side seemed to glow all the brighter. A dainty trail of galactic dust was left in her wake, trailing off the ends of her mane and tail, from her feathers, her hooves, falling off her body as she naturally shed the excess product that the star of her heart seemed to burn off. A flash of that color again, and Veil moved closer, breaking past the tree-line, through smaller rocks, before coming to a startled stop.

What was this?

It was a creature, much like any other equine she'd come across, as she'd come to terms a while ago that they came from all sides . . . but this one seemed different. The gold glowed from behind it's head, its body seemed to be mapped with the charting of stars, and she hesitated, tilting her head curiously, silently, at the odd creature. She paused before stepping closer, purposely breaking a twig to announce her arrival, even as she tried to search her mind for the greeting sound she'd figured out. Oh what was it. Hoo? No, Heh? No . . . But yes. Part of it. Oh~ "Hello?" The word was spoken softly, with an age not explained by her youthful experience, a tone that betrayed far more wisdom than her apparent age would explain. But then again, she held the secrets of the universe in her mind and heart.

She was part of that universe.

Notes:: This was fun to write. Though writing her is still so all over the place, trying to properly display her without giving her too much 'thought'
Breathin' in you give me air, I'm living on your solar flare
Could you be my super nova girl?
Artist Credit to Sephinta


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