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All Welcome  - the sun also rises -- auditions

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Played by Offline Sparrow [PM] Posts: 196 — Threads: 34
Signos: 25
Dawn Court Scholar
Male [He/Him/His]  |  16 [Year 495 Spring]  |  15.2 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 48  |    Active Magic: Blood Manipulation  |    Bonded: Alba (Barn Owl)

an eye for an eye and the world goes blind

As the meeting was called and the people gathered, Somnus lingered to the side, letting everyone have their time to listen and speak. Verdant eyes remained fixated on Ipomoea, watching as his little brother called Delumine together in his first act as Sovereign. He listened, ears forward and attentive. Indeed, Dawn Court needed to change in order to thrive. Whatever changes came next, Somnus would quietly support his brother from the sidelines, as it was always meant to be.

In the days since his abdication, the dunalino had stepped back from the light of leadership with grace and respect, letting the stresses of running a land drip from his shoulders like water. It felt far easier to wake in the mornings and drag himself from his bed as he no longer carried that heavy mantle with him during every waking moment.

Still… He loved Delumine. He loved Oriens, this land, and his family. While he did not wish for any higher position in the Regime, he did have experience elsewhere.

To his knowledge, no one else had dined and spoken to Oriens regularly. Somnus oftentimes made the journey to Veneror, teapot and two cups in tow. Whether or not Oriens would join him, the dunalino would always settle down and pour two cups of tea, then sit in prayer and meditation for the duration of the day. Where once he was a King, now he was a simple citizen, dedicated to his family and to his patron God.

He had no chosen Oriens, but Oriens had chosen him, and that meant more than anything.

Stepping forward, all grace, poise, and elegance with his wings folded close to the curved barrel of his golden sides, Somnus cleared his throat. The crisp, clipped accent of his words were coated with nothing but respect, and the smallest of smiles twisted his dark lips as he addressed his little brother, the newly crowned Dawn King. “Majesty,” he began, giving a respectful dip of the head in a short bow, “You know that I will always support you and our home. I believe my talents would be better suited to passing on Oriens’ knowledge and wisdom, on overseeing his hand of understanding and keeping the scales of justice balanced. My wisdom and experience is yours when you require them.” Although Somnus truly, honestly doubted that Ipomoea would need his guidance or council when it came to running his kingdom.

“I would graciously ask to be given the mantle of Champion of Wisdom. While I do not speak for Oriens, we have spoken on many occasions. I have walked beside him while destruction rained around our heads. I have sought his guidance and understanding, his wisdom, over tea and cups. My dedication to him is matched only by my dedication to his land, to our home.”

Somnus’ smile remained, calm and confident in Ipomoea’s abilities. They would be fine without him in their higher ranks, but he would always be there to help when the need arose. That had always been his level of comfort, after all.

“That choice is yours, Majesty, but know you will always have me and mine at your disposal.” And once more he bowed his head before stepping back and allowing the next member of their Court to speak.


Which Rank Would you like your character to have?
Champion of Wisdom. With his close relationship with Oriens and the many times they’ve spoken and had tea-time together, I believe Somnus to be the perfect fit for this very patron-driven role. Somnus is wise and sagely, and wants to use the knowledge he has gained as Sovereign to help Ipomoea build Delumine into a greater land. From the sidelines, of course, and definitely is looking forward to building his relationship with not only his family and friends again, but wants to grow closer to Oriens.

Somnus and I are figuring each other out now that he has stepped away from Kingship. With things in life slowing down, we’re definitely working on becoming more active, and I think having him as Champion of Wisdom would definitely help him AND me settle back into things.

What are you some plot ideas you have for Delumine? What's your vision?
Since I played a Sovereign, I really don’t want to toss out ‘this is my vision for Delumine’. xD BUT I would love to explore Viride a little more, possibly add some new landmarks or ancient locations, as well as incorporate the Library. As it’s the largest one in Novus, I think that’s a major strength for us to have. Aside from Viride and the Library, I would love if Somnus could establish a more functional ‘Judicial System’; as we are a court of judges, I think it would be interesting to have a body of individuals established to oversee crimes in not only Delumine, but all of Novus as well.

Where do you see your character, specifically, fitting in?
We’ve discussed this in private and I’ve already kind of covered it, but Somnus is ready to just step away from the leadership role and focus on supporting Delumine from the sidelines. He questioned himself as a King for the duration of his rule, but he does not question his fealty to Delumine or Oriens. Justice, understanding, and wisdom are very important to him. During his time spent as a tactician, as a Regent, and then as Sovereign, he believed in fairness and justice. Somnus would use that experience to help establish a judicial system, as I touched on above.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self."

Please tag Somnus in all replies!

Messages In This Thread
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RE: the sun also rises -- auditions - by Messalina - 11-03-2019, 10:50 AM
RE: the sun also rises -- auditions - by Ipomoea - 11-03-2019, 01:49 PM
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