an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Fight: Judged  - man of war, woman of sand

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Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

Battle Type: BATTLE 
Prize: Bragging rights and XP!

Character #1: Maxence
Bonded: nay
Magic: nu
Armor: nah
Weapons: A Bullwhip.

Character #2: AVDOTYA
Bonded: nah
Magic: Earth
Armor: Nupe
Weapons: A spear.


While some preferred to spend summer days soaking in any ounce of shade they could find, Maxence had sought to journey south on the heated wind currents until they might place him in the battlefields of the Bellum Steppe. Upon his departure he had called out to any in the Day Court fortress who might be listening and alerted them of where he was headed and when he expected to return as routine demanded. As sovereign he would never leave his people abandoned, not even for an hour or two. At all times he would allow them the peace of mind that he could be reached should something turn awry. 
"I am headed to the Steppe to train! Anyone is welcome to join me." the King had called back to the fortifications as his wings took him skyward, knees pointed toward the sun. Perhaps secretly he wished one of the warriors might follow - training with his comrades, teaching and learning from them had always been one of Maxence's most beloved past times. He was certainly not one to ever stand still, so time spent in sport with his brothers was always greatly cherished (and now terribly missed). 
It still came in dull aches when he remembered what had been, as icy cramps in his heart, a hiraeth for what should still be.

Novus was a continent that was still completely rogue and unfamiliar to him, though still the stag roughly knew the way to the Bellum Steppe - or rather, what it looked like from above when he got there. In the shadow of Veneror he had sailed, a mere ornament in the peachy morning sky that was made all the more beautiful by a passing flock of wetland birds taking a similar path past the mountain over the thin, diaphanous clouds. Below him the valleys were visible through the most pale puffs of cloud, and still he loved to observe how the desert became fields and the fields became forest, foothills and mountain. It was a view he thanked Solis for immediately, his oceanic eyes closing momentarily as he sighed a content breath of blissfulness. Though still, he knew reality waited beneath the cloud cover.

Angling his wings and leaning down against the current, Maxence was soon to aim his landing for the highlands. The sea of grass was easily picked from above and impossible to miss given it's giant expanse. In no time the sovereign had touched down upon the endless fields, his feet landing one after the other while his wings bent each blade of grass with a mighty SWOOSH. An ideal training ground if ever he'd seen one, though so far from Solterra.

Unfastening his bullwhip from it's strapping upon his harness, Maxence was soon to crane his nose over the great expanse of grass and shrub. There might be one or two to challenge for a spar our here, though truly Maxence wished to spar one of his own. Turning his nose over his shoulder in the direction of home, he hoped at least one had followed...

Summary: Maxence flys to the steppe and waits for an opponent (Avdotya can attack first!)

Attack Used:
Attack(s) Left: 2
Block Used:
Block(s) Left: 1
Item(s) Used: None!

Response Deadline: 30th Aug.
Tags: @Avdotya  @kay @inkbone @sid 

Messages In This Thread
man of war, woman of sand - by Maxence - 08-23-2017, 07:19 PM
RE: man of war, woman of sand - by Avdotya - 08-26-2017, 11:44 PM
RE: man of war, woman of sand - by Maxence - 08-30-2017, 02:15 AM
RE: man of war, woman of sand - by Avdotya - 08-30-2017, 11:32 PM
RE: man of war, woman of sand - by Maxence - 08-31-2017, 06:04 PM
RE: man of war, woman of sand - by Avdotya - 09-02-2017, 01:50 PM
RE: man of war, woman of sand - by inkbone - 09-05-2017, 11:55 PM
RE: man of war, woman of sand - by inkbone - 10-01-2017, 03:11 AM
RE: man of war, woman of sand - by sid - 10-03-2017, 05:50 PM
RE: man of war, woman of sand - by sid - 10-03-2017, 06:01 PM
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